das-Face implements an active liveness detection test based on a challenge-response method. das-Face generates a challenge that is consumed by Selfie-Alive Pro (SAP) SDK, and the device will start the interaction with the user. During the interaction, the user is asked to capture a selfie photograph and to record a small video of his face performing a few random head movements. The number of random movements is configurable by the integrator, we recommend 2 movements as standard, and 6 movements for maximum security. Once everything is recorded, the SDK will delegate all the captured evidence, and the device must send all the data back to the das-Face server for its processing. das-Face will analyze the video and selfie data looking for liveness evidence.
Veridas active liveness detection implemented in Selfie-Alive Pro was tested by iBeta to the ISO 30107-3 Biometric Presentation Attack Detection Standard and was found to be in compliance with Level 1 and Level2.
Having achieved this result, and because the ISO 30107-3 testing was performed with different paper-based attacks, screens, and 3D masks, the Selfie-Alive Pro solution can be found into the levels A, B and C indicated by FIDO recommendations.
The system's algorithms are trained on multiple databases that combine different presentation attack species, and they are internally evaluated using datasets carefully cured by Veridas. Additionally, Veridas submits the solution for evaluation by third parties, such as iBeta, as mentioned above.
Liveness detection technologies¶
Veridas liveness detection has been evaluated with different presentation attack species, as well as DeepFake images. The presentation attack species are grouped into Level 1 and Level 2 as it is done by iBeta. Level 1 group is composed of replay attacks, print attacks, and other screen or paper based attacks. Level 2 group is composed of rendered faces, higher quality paper masks, and 3D masks.