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In this part the current specification of each SDK will be discussed.

General specification

SDK Communication

None of the SDKs interact with Veridas servers, instead the gathered evidence is delegated to the application and leaves the integrator to implement the communication with the Veridas API, this allows for better modularity of the SDKs.

SDK Document Capture

Native (Android/iOS)

The Document Capture SDK delegates the following information when an image of a document side has been taken (obverse with/without flash, reverse side):

  • The image of the document side.
  • A list of possible documents captured (This list will contain only one entry in case the SDK has been able of recognizing the document).
  • The side of the document taken (obverse/reverse).

A maximum of three photos will be taken:

  1. The image of the obverse.
  2. An image of the obverse with flash.
  3. An image of the reverse.

Images have the following characteristics:

  • Mime type: JPG
  • Image Size: 8 MPx


The Document Capture SDK delegates the following information when an image of a document side has been taken (obverse, reverse side):

  • The image of the document side.
  • A list of possible documents captured (This list will contain only one in case the SDK has been able of recognizing the document).
  • The side of the document taken (obverse/reverse).

A maximum of two photos will be taken:

  1. The image of the obverse.
  2. An image of the reverse.

Images have the following characteristics:

  • Mime type: JPG
  • Image Size: 2 MPx (Mobile) and 1 MPx (Desktop)

SDK Selfie Alive Capture

Native (Android/iOS)

The output of the SDK will be (for each of the photos, neutral and smiling):

  • The image of the face
  • A face crop (if possible)

Images have the following characteristics:

  • Mime type: JPG
  • Image Size: 2 MPx (the last one, usually smiling) and around 1MPx (the one in a neutral pose)


The output of the SDK will be (for each of the photos, neutral and smiling):

  • The image of the face

Images have the following characteristics:

  • Mime type: JPG
  • Image Size: 2 MPx

SDK Selfie Alive Pro Capture

Native (Android/iOS)

The output of the SDK will be:

  • The image of the face
  • A video containing the movements of the head of the user.

Image has the following characteristics:

  • Mime type: JPG
  • Image Size: 2 MPx (the last one, usually smiling) and around 1MPx (the one in a neutral pose)

The challenge response video has the following characteristics:

  • Mime type: mp4
  • Audio encoding: aac
  • Video encoding: h264
  • Video Size: ~600 KB (for a 7 sec video)


The output of the SDK will be:

  • The image of the face
  • A video containing the movements of the head of the user.

Image has the following characteristics:

  • Mime type: JPG
  • Image Size: 2 MPx

The challenge response video has the following characteristics:

  • Mime type: mp4
  • Audio encoding: aac
  • Video encoding: h264
  • Video Size: ~1.7MB (for a 7 sec video)

SDK Video Selfie Capture

The output of the SDK will be:

  • The video of the user

Native (Android/iOS)

Video has the following characteristics:

  • Mime type: mp4
  • Audio encoding: aac
  • Video encoding: h264
  • Video Size: 3.5 MB (for a 15 sec video)


Video has the following characteristics:

  • Mime type: webm
  • Audio encoding: aac
  • Video encoding: h264
  • Video Size: 3.5 MB (for a 15 seconds video) / iOS Safari generates bigger size videos

SDK NFC Capture

The output of this SDK is:

  • Textual information contained in the document
  • User selfie contained in the document

SDK Voice (Android/iOS)

The output of this SDK is:

  • The whole audio recording
  • The part of the recording that has only voice fragments
  • Audio information in real time of the recording so far

Audio signal specifications:

  • Format: WAV or raw (array of doubles, normalized between -1 and 1)
  • Channels: 1 (mono)
  • Quantization: 16 bits / sample
  • Fs: 8 KS/s or 16 KS/s
  • Maximum duration: 30 seconds
  • Configurable minimum SNR (default: 5 dB)