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Guide to migrate configuration


The following table compares the configuration variables from previous major versions of the SDK with the current one:

Note that the following configuration variables are only those that fit the new ones. To check all configuration variables for the current SDK, see the configuration documentation.

Reference map

does not apply means that the previous major version's SDK config variable does not match any config variable in the current SDK version.

name + PART means that the configuration variable from previous versions, can be set by the new PART configuration system. For more information see the CSS Parts customization section of the documentation.

The path pattern means that the configuration variable from previous versions, can be set by the following variable that represents the path in the configuration schema, if you are using a config.json file just follow the intellisense provided by the schema.json file in the assets. If you are using an object, please ensure that this object match configuration's interface.

For more information see the configuration section of the documentation, you could also find an example in the setup section at the configuration input

Migration guide for REACT versions

Old configuration parameters Old default values parameters New configuration New default values
aliveChallenge - sdkSelfie.views.capture.head.token -
borderColorCenteringAidDefault does not apply (*) - -
borderColorCenteringAidDetectingSuccess #FFFFFF vd-selfie::part(capture_glowing_outline_container_success) {background-color: transparent; border-width: 15px; border-color: #53A335; border-style: solid; border-radius: 50%;} background-color: transparent; border-width: 4px; border-color: #53A335; border-style: solid; border-radius: 50%;
borderColorCenteringAidFaceDetecting #3B9DD6 vd-selfie::part(capture_glowing_outline_container_detection) {background-color: transparent;border-width: 15px;border-radius: 20%;border-color: var(--color-alert-detection);border-style: solid;} background-color: transparent;border-width: 4px;border-radius: 20%;border-color: var(--color-alert-detection);border-style: solid;
borderColorCenteringAidInactive #717171 vd-selfie::part(capture_glowing_outline_container) {background-color: transparent; border-width: 15px; border-radius: 20%; border-color: #ffffff; border-style: solid;} background-color: transparent; border-width: 4px; border-radius: 20%; border-color: #ffffff; border-style: solid;
borderThickness 6 vd-selfie::part(capture_glowing_outline_container_success) {border-width: 10px;}
vd-selfie::part(capture_glowing_outline_container_detection) {`border-width: 10px;`}
vd-selfie::part(capture_glowing_outline_container) {`border-width: 10px;`}
border-width: 4px;
buttonBackgroundColorDark does not apply (*)
buttonBackgroundColorDarkRepeat does not apply (*)
buttonBackgroundColorLight does not apply (*)
buttonBackgroundColorLightRepeat does not apply (*)
center_face Center your face
Centra su cara
sdkSelfie.views.capture.guidance.notCentered.card.title Recenter your face within the oval
Vuelva a centrar su cara en el óvalo
closeButton false false
confirmationColorTick #737373 vd-selfie::part(capture_success_tick_circle) {fill: #d0c331;} stroke: #53A335; fill: none;
confirmationDialogBackgroundColor #4D4B4E vd-selfie::part(review_image_container) {background-color: #a83297;}
vd-selfie::part(review_image) {background-color: #a83297;}
vd-selfie::part(review_image_message) {background-color: #a83297;}
confirmationDialogTextColor #FFFFFF vd-selfie::part(review_image_message_text) {color: #a83297;}
vd-selfie::part(review_image_img_container) {border-color: #a83297;}
color: #000D44
border-color: #F2F2F2
continueButtonColor #FFFFFF vd-selfie::part(review_image_message_buttons_continue) {color: #2d5aed;} #FFFFFF
continueText CONTINUE
sdkSelfie.views.reviewImage.card.buttons.continue.text Continue
customConfirmationImageTick does not apply (*) - -
customOval does not apply (*) - -
customOvalBorderRadius 51% 49% 49% 51% / 33% 32% 68% 67% vd-selfie::part(capture_glowing_outline_container_success) {border-radius: 100%;}
vd-selfie::part(capture_glowing_outline_container_detection) {border-radius: 100%;}
vd-selfie::part(capture_glowing_outline_container) {border-radius: 100%;}
detectionMessageBackgroundColorSelfie #FFFFFF vd-selfie::part(capture_display_message) {background-color: #32a832}
vd-selfie::part(capture_glowing_outline_top_div) {background-color: #32a850}
detectionMessageBorderRadius 16px vd-selfie::part(capture_display_message) {border-radius: 40px;} 16px
detectionMessageFontFamily does not apply (*) - -
detectionMessageFontWeight normal vd-selfie::part(capture_display_message) {font-weight: 900;} 400
detectionMessageLineHeight normal vd-selfie::part(capture_display_message) {line-height: 0%;} 1.5
detectionMessageTextColorSelfie #1A5EB0 vd-selfie::part(capture_display_message_text) {color: #a83297}
vd-selfie::part(capture_glowing_outline_top_message) {color: #a83297}
detectionTimeout 300000 sdkSelfie.views.capture.detectionTimeout 300000
displayErrors does not apply (*) - -
errorActionButtonBackgroundColor transparent - -
errorActionButtonTextColor #FFFFFF - -
errorDisplayBackgroundColor #4D4B4E - -
errorDisplayHeaderBackgroundColor #4D4B4E - -
errorDisplayHeaderTextColor #FFFFFF - -
errorDisplayHeaderTitle does not apply (*) Please, make sure to allow the page access to the camera and microphone
Por favor, asegúrese de permitir a la página acceso a la cámara y micrófono
errorDisplayTextColor does not apply (*) - -
errorDisplayUserActionShow does not apply (*) - -
fitYourFace Now, place your face inside the frame and hold steady while we take a photo
Ahora, encaja tu cara en el marco y mantente estable mientras tomamos una foto
sdkSelfie.views.capture.guidance.selfie.card.title Fit your face into the frame and look to the camera <br> Centre su cara en el marco, y mire hacia la cámara
fontSize does not apply (*) - -
infoAlertShow does not apply (*) - -
infoAlertShowSelfie does not apply (*) - -
infoAlertShowSelfieAlive does not apply (*) - -
infoModalShow true true
infoReviewImageText Check if the photo is readable and focused
Comprueba que la foto es legible y está bien enfocada
sdkSelfie.views.reviewImage.card.title Make sure the face appears good and has a natural expression
Asegúrese de que la cara se ve bien y tiene una expresión natural
infoReviewImageTextSelfieAlive Check if the photo is readable and focused
Comprueba que la foto es legible y está bien enfocada
sdkSelfie.views.reviewImage.card.title Make sure the face appears good and has a natural expression
Asegúrese de que la cara se ve bien y tiene una expresión natural
infoReviewImageTextSelfie Check if the photo is readable and focused
Comprueba que la foto es legible y está bien enfocada
sdkSelfie.views.reviewImage.card.title Make sure the face appears good and has a natural expression
Asegúrese de que la cara se ve bien y tiene una expresión natural
infoUserAliveBackgroundColor #FFFFFF - -
infoUserAliveButtonText START THE PROCESS
sdkSelfie.views.instructions.buttons.startProcess.text Start
infoUserAliveColorButton linear-gradient(to right, #005db4, #009edd 100%) - -
infoUserAliveHeader does not apply (*) - -
infoUserAliveHeaderColor does not apply (*) - -
infoUserAliveMedia ['slide03'] ["alive01.png", "alive02.png"]
infoUserAliveNextButtonColor #1a5eb0(*) - -
infoUserAliveNextButtonText Next
Siguiente Next
infoUserAlivePrevButtonColor #1a5eb0 - -
infoUserAlivePrevButtonText Previous
sdkSelfie.views.instructions.card.buttons.previous.text Previous
infoUserAliveSubTitle ['1. Fit your face into the frame and wait the countdown. 2. Move your head slightly in one direction. 3. When the screen tells you that you have done it correctly, look back at the center. 4. The process will be repeated 2 times.']
['1. Encaja la cara en el marco y espera a la cuenta atrás. 2. Mueva la cabeza ligeramente en la dirección que te indiquen las flechas. 3. Cuando la pantalla te indique que lo has hecho correctamente, vuelve a mirar al centro. 4. Repite el proceso 2 veces.']
sdkSelfie.views.instructions.card.subtitle.head ["Make sure you are not wearing sunglasses, hats, or other items that cover your face", "Fit the face in the frame and move your head slightly in the directions indicated by the arrow."]
[ "Asegúrese de no llevar gafas de sol, gorras u otros elementos que tapen su cara", "Encaje la cara en el marco y mueva la cabeza ligeramente en las direcciones que le vaya indicando la flecha"]
infoUserAliveSubTitleColor #868686 vd-selfie::part(instructions_slide_box_subtitle) {color: #26f058;} #000D44
infoUserAliveTitle ['Follow the motion instructions']
['Sigue las instrucciones de movimiento']
sdkSelfie.views.instructions.card.title.head ["Position yourself in front of the camera", "Follow the instructions"]
["Posiciónese frente a la cámara", "Siga las instrucciones"]
infoUserAliveTitleColor #1a5eb0 vd-selfie::part(instructions_slide_box_title) {color: #26f058;} #000D44
isInfoModalShow does not apply (*) - -
loadingSpinnerColor does not apply (*) - -
logEventsToConsole false generic.common.behavior.web.logEvents false
message_alive_bold does not apply (*) - -
message_alive_light Move your head
Mueva la cabeza
sdkSelfie.views.capture.head.card.title.movement Head movements
Movimientos de cabeza
message_finish_challenge does not apply (*) - -
message_middle_center Great! Look back at the center
¡Bien! Vuelve al centro
sdkSelfie.views.capture.head.card.title.back Great! Look back to the center
¡Bien! Vuelva a mirar al centro
not_move does not apply (*) - -
outerGlowCenteringAidDefault #000000 vd-selfie::part(capture_glowing_outline_container) {border-color: #ffffff} #ffffff
outerGlowCenteringAidDetecting #001C00 vd-selfie::part(capture_glowing_outline_container_detection) {border-color: #257CD0} #257CD0
repeatButtonColor #1A5EB0 - -
repeatText REPEAT
sdkSelfie.views.reviewImage.card.buttons.repeat.text Repeat
restartingErrorText The process could not be completed. Please repeat the validation.
No se ha podido completar el proceso. Por favor, repita la validación. The process could not be completed. Please, try again
No se ha podido completar el proceso. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo
reviewImage true false
sdkBackgroundColorInactive #2E2E2E vd-selfie::part(instructions_slide) {background-color: #ca6200;} #FFFFFF
setLandscapeDeviceMessage does not apply (*)
setMessageDisplayHeight 15% vd-selfie::part(capture_display_message) {height: 200px;}
vd-selfie::part(capture_display_message) {height: 200px;}
setMessageDisplayMargin does not apply (*) - -
setMessageDisplayOpacity 1 vd-selfie::part(capture_display_message) {opacity: 0.5;} 1
setMessageDisplayPadding 5px vd-selfie::part(capture_display_message) {padding: 5%;} -
setMessageDisplayPosition auto vd-selfie::part(capture_display_message) {position: absolute;} auto
setMessageDisplayWidth 90% vd-selfie::part(capture_display_message) {width: 100px;} auto
setPortraitDeviceMessage Please, hold the device in portrait mode
Por favor, ponga el dispositivo vertical
sdkSelfie.views.deviceRotated.card.title To continue, put the phone in the correct orientation
Para continuar, coloque el teléfono en orientación correcta
showLogo false false
showSpinner does not apply (*) - -
stepChallenge does not apply (*) - -
stepOfChallenge does not apply (*) - -
stepsChallengeColor does not apply (*) - -
targetSelector does not apply (*) - -
videoErrorConstraint does not apply (*) - -
videoErrorConstraintActionLabel does not apply (*) - -
videoErrorDefault Sorry, there was an error starting the camera
Lo sentimos, se ha producido un error iniciando la cámara - Sorry, there was an error starting the camera
Lo sentimos, se ha producido un error iniciando la cámara
videoErrorExternalInput does not apply (*) - -
videoErrorNotFound Please check that you do not have any software simulating the camera
Por favor, compruebe que no tiene ningún software simulando la cámara Please check that you do not have any software simulating the camera
Por favor, compruebe que no tiene ningún software simulando la cámara
videoErrorPermission Please allow the page to access the camera
Por favor, permita a la página acceso a la cámara Please, make sure to allow the page access to the camera and microphone
Por favor, asegúrese de permitir a la página acceso a la cámara y micrófono
videoErrorPermissionActionLabel does not apply (*) - -
videoErrorUnavailable does not apply (*) - -
videoErrorUnavailableActionLabel does not apply (*) - -
webrtcUnsupportedText does not apply (*) - -

Migration guide for new configuration schema v5.1.Z and above

The version family v5.1.Z and above has schema changes, this changes are reflected in the following table, use the reference to make the changes in your configuration input object or file.

Generic important changes:

  • The legacy and deprecated nodes have been removed. Therefore, when utilizing the schema.json file as the schema for your config.json file, ensure that there are no warning messages in the editor to prevent configuration initialization errors.
  • The node has been moved to each SDK node in order to have more specific feedback per SDK.
  • The generic.common.ui.successTick node has been moved to each SDK node.
  • Some generic.common.behavior.web nodes has been moved to each SDK node(pathAssets, detectionTimeout).
  • The selectCamera paremeter has been deleted.

Specific Selfie important changes:

  • generic.common.ui.successTick moves to sdkSelfie.views.capture(selfie head should only display one success tick at the end of the process).
  • RemovedsdkSelfie.blurDetectorActive.
  • moves to, the errors also has been reorganized to be more specific to each sdk with the generic errors included(this will be more clear on the task execution check other tasks with feedback references).
  • generic.commom.behavior.web.(pathAssets, detectionTimeout) moves to sdkSelfie, in order to place each property with a better order pathAssets will move to sdkSelfie.pathAssets, detectionTimeout will move to the sdkSelfie.views.capture.