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Sanctions, Watchlists, PEPs & Adverse Media

PEP and AML scanning consists in checking if the identity of users performing a Digital Onboarding process is included in a database of Sanctions, Watchlists, PEPs and Adverse Media. It will do an identity verification of the person who is doing the Veridas validation process by using the data obtained from the ID document.

A new section named "PEPAndAMLStatus" will be generated after requesting PEP, sanctions and adverse media. This section will contain the following information:

  • "matches": List of matches that contain a match name and a list of scores. These scores are:
    • ValidasScoreHitSanctionTest: Shows if a match is in the sanctions lists (value=0) or not (value=1).
    • ValidasScoreHitPEPTest: Shows if a match is in the PEP lists (value=0) or not (value=1).
    • ValidasScoreHitAdverseMediaTest: Shows if a match has adverse media (value=0) or not (value=1).
  • "scores": contain ValidasScorePEPAndAMLTest score, that is a "summary" score that will be 1.0 if all the scores are 1.0 and 0.0 if just one of them is 0.0.
  • "extra_data": This field will contain a link to the endpoint that can be used to retrieve the full service response.

PEPAndAMLStatus section

This new section will be available in the GET /validation/<validation_id>

    "data": {
        "id": "<validation_id>",
        "documentType": "ES_IDCard_2015",
        "createdAt": "2022-07-27 14:00:00 +0200",
        "state": "confirm",
        "data": {
            "summary": {...},
            "biometry": {...},
            "document": {
                "nodes": {...},
                "scores": [...],
                "_links": [...],
            "contextualData": {...},
            "identidasVersion": "1.46.0",
            "PEPAndAMLStatus": {
                "matches": [
                        "matchName": "Carmen Español Español",
                        "matchScores": [
                                "name": "ValidasScoreHitPEPTest",
                                "value": 1.0
                                "name": "ValidasScoreHitSanctionTest",
                                "value": 1.0
                                "name": "ValidasScoreHitAdverseMediaTest",
                                "value": 0.0
                "scores": {
                    "name": "ValidasScorePEPAndAMLTest",
                    "value": 0.0
                "extra_data": "{ValidationId}/pep-aml"
If the PEP service response does not return a match, the following will appear
    "data": {
        "id": "<validation_id>",
        "documentType": "ES_IDCard_2015",
        "createdAt": "2022-07-27 14:00:00 +0200",
        "state": "confirm",
        "data": {
            "summary": {...},
            "biometry": {...},
            "document": {
                "nodes": {...},
                "scores": [...],
                "_links": [...],
            "contextualData": {...},
            "identidasVersion": "1.46.0",
            "PEPAndAMLStatus": {
                "matches": [],
                "extra_data": "<validation_id>/pep-aml"

PEP-AML endpoint

The extra_data endpoint will return all the information related to the Sanctions, PEPs & Adverse Media requests and responses information

    "items": [
            "date": "2022-07-27 14:00:00 +0200",
            "request": {
                "birth_year": "1980",
                "country_codes": [
                "search_term": "CARMEN ESPAÑOL ESPAÑOL"
            "response": {
                "hits": [
                        "doc": {
                            "aka": [
                                    "name": "Carmen Espinola"
                            "entity_type": "person",
                            "fields": [
                                    "name": "Country",
                                    "source": "complyadvantage-adverse-media",
                                    "value": "Spain"
                            "name": "Carmen Espinola Espinola",
                            "types": [
    "items": [
            "date": "2022-07-27 14:00:00 +0200",
            "request": {
                "birth_year": "1980",
                "country_codes": [
                "search_term": "CARMEN ESPAÑOL ESPAÑOL"
            "response": "No match found"