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VCSP 1.7


  • GroupsLimitExceededError returned when a group creation request exceeds the maximum number of groups allowed for a tenant.
  • New SubjectsPerGroupLimitExceededError returned when a group population request exceeds the maximum number of subjects in a group allowed for a tenant.
  • New EnrollmentsLimitExceededError returned when an enrollment request exceeds the maximum number of enrollments allowed for a tenant.
  • New TagsLimitExceededError returned when a tag creation request exceeds the maximum number of tags allowed for a tenant.

VCSP 1.6


  • Updated batch enrollment response to provide a report and a summary of the operation.
  • Endpoint /v1/groups/{group_name}/credentials to list credentials/subjects within a group.
  • Groups removal from the system when they expire.
  • Credentials expiration within groups.
  • Added response 503 if the system is temporarily out of service.


  • Regex to validate the subject identifier in the enrollment process.
  • PATCH request to /v1/groups/{group_name} endpoint to update an already existing group.

VCSP 1.3

  • First release of VCSP.