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Main features

State of the art biometric templates generation engines for both voice and face recognition

Voice biometrics:

  • Text-Independent Verification: VCSP provides the ability to authenticate voices regardless of phrase content, eliminating the need for users to remember or repeat specific phrases for authentication.
  • Language and Accent Independent: Supports voice comparison across multiple languages and accents, including but not limited to English, Spanish, German, and more, facilitating global application.
  • Efficient Verification Process: Maintains a quick verification time, processing audio comparisons and generating voiceprints with exceptional speed and minimal resource requirement.
  • Acoustic robustness: The technology of Veridas' voice biometrics engine allows it to be used in real-world scenarios (i.e. voice interactions, phone call conversations, chatbot interactions) without the need of meeting unrealistic acoustic conditions.
  • Enhanced Security with Fraud Detection: Incorpo rates sophisticated algorithms designed to identify and thwart different types of attacks (replay attacks, deep fakes, etc.).

Face biometrics:

  • Efficient Verification Process: Maintains a quick verification time, processing audio comparisons and generating voiceprints with exceptional speed and minimal resource requirement.
  • Enhanced Security with Fraud Detection: Incorporates sophisticated algorithms designed to identify and thwart different types of attacks (replay attacks, deep fakes, etc.).

Multiple biometric ‘domains’ available:

VCSP supports different sets of specific biometric domains to tackle down most relevant use cases:

  • Voice biometrics for telephone channel interactions (i.e. contact centers).
  • Voice biometrics for non-telephonic channel interactions (i.e. unlocking an app).
  • Face biometrics in-document image matching( i.e. for fraud prevention).
  • Face biometrics for selfie like captures (i.e. remote on-boarding).

These domains will empower customers to utilize specialized AI models optimized for each scenario, delivering superior performance to guarantee maximum accuracy, performance and security. Customers simply need to specify the sample type to facilitate appropriate artifact utilization for processing.

Credential Biometric Storage System:

Veridas' solution offers efficient and flexible storage of biometric face and voice templates (also known as biometric credentials) and registration samples. The benefits delivered to our clients are the following:

  • Cost-efficient: avoid heavy infrastructure costs for our clients.
  • Compliance: lifecycle of biometric data is fully managed by VCSP guaranteeing compliance with GDPR requirements.
  • Use case enabler: authentication and identification processes are offered by design.

One to one authentication

The VCSP supports biometric authentication for registered identities. By capturing and submitting a biometric sample (voice or facial image), users can verify their identity through a comparison with the stored biometric template. This functionality underpins a variety of business applications namely:

  • Call Center authentication (voice).
  • Access control to digital content (voice and/or face). Also known as ‘biometric login’.
  • Physical access control (voice and/or face).
  • Unlocking device (voice and/or face).
  • Secure payments (voice and/or face).
  • Secure conversational assistant interaction (voice).
  • Secure transfer validation (voice and/or face).
  • Real-time Biometric proctoring (check a given subject is actually where he/she should be) (voice and/or face).

One to many identification

VCSP provides the means to enable identifying a subject by providing a biometric sample (voice or face) among a group of registered identities in the system. This feature unveil very appealing business use cases, namely:

  • Fraud detection by identification of duplicated identities: By including an identification process within a subject enrollment/on-boarding process it will be possible to check that the identity subject is not already registered.
  • Blocklist detection: By setting a group of blocked identities within the system it is possible to prevent the registration/interaction of undesired/unwanted individuals.
  • Online identification without specialized hardware: Leveraging shared business attributes such as company affiliation or event attendance, this approach enables online identification without specialized hardware. Standard devices like smartphones or tablets can be used to authenticate individuals within these defined groups, streamlining access control processes
  • Elevate user experience through VIP identification: By designating a group of high-value individuals, seamless identification can be integrated into business workflows, providing enhanced services and experiences for these distinguished users.
  • Forensic identification: Leveraging captured biometric data, identify if a subject has prior records within the system. This accelerates investigations by streamlining suspect identification and potential elimination.

Smart and easy subject management through ‘Groups’

Streamlined subject management is achieved through the creation of customizable groups (also known as watchlists). VCSP empowers customers to organize biometric templates according to specific use case requirements. These groups serve as the foundation for efficient subject identification and one-to-many searches. To initiate a search, customers simply provide a new biometric sample and specify the target group. The system returns a ranked list of potential matches.

To be grouped together, credentials must share the same domain type (e.g., telephonic voice, non-telephonic voice, selfie face, or document face). Credentials from different domains cannot be combined within a single group.

Lastly, any given credential may belong to one or more groups simultaneously.

Credential tagging

Credentials can also be tagged with custom defined tags following a key:value pattern, that can further facilitate the different operation with credentials. These enable:

  • Further refining the searching scope within a group narrowing down the search to only the credentials containing a particular set of tags.
  • Populate a group with all the credentials matching with a given set of tags
  • Remove the credentials from a group that match with a given set of tags.

Custom Time-to-live for biometric templates

Any credential can be defined with a specific custom time to live (a.k.a ‘expiration date’ or ‘validity period’) within a ‘Group’.

Custom time-to-live for Groups of credentials

Groups may also be defined to be removed from the system once an expiration date has been reached. This is particularly interesting for use cases in which a Group has been defined for an specific event (sport events, concerts, etc.) during which the customer desires to authenticate a group of individuals, having the system automatically delete the group after the event.

Batch enrollment processing

The system allows to register a set of samples from various subjects in one single request ('batch' mode), creating accounts and credentials for each sample as detailed in a task description file. A task identifier will be returned to every batch enrollment request, enabling to track the task status and results, through dedicated API endpoints. The outcome of this operation will be a complete report detailing whether each given sample could be successfully processed or not.

Information Security with User Anonymization

Prioritizing data security, our product enables the anonymization of user data through a client-specified user ID. Veridas neither possesses nor seeks to identify the individuals behind the samples, ensuring robust information security.

Continuous Technological Advancements

Stay ahead in biometric technology with Veridas. Our solution guarantees that clients remain current with frequent, transparent updates to the biometric engine and antispoofing capabilities, eliminating the need for costly migrations.

Respectful data deletion policy

To unsubscribe a subject from the system, a DELETE operation must be initiated. Once unsubscribed, all subject data will be permanently removed. If the client wishes to retain a record of unsubscribed subjects for forensic purposes or to comply with data retention policies, they should download the necessary information prior to initiating the unsubscription process.