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das-Peak 2.23


  • New antispoofing engine that improves deep fake and cloned voice detection.
  • Updated antispoofing calibration point. Now, BPCER<1% and BPCER<5% are at 0.5 and 0.8 thresholds respectively.

das-Peak 2.21


  • Expanded our audio support, adding the G711 a-law codec for audio input.
  • New antispoofing engine including deep fake detection.


  • Error messaging. Now, if the service receives an audio with an invalid codec, it will respond with a more informative response message, helping to quickly identify and resolve the issue.

das-Peak 2.20

  • Significant improvements in our spoof detection system.

das-Peak 2.19

  • Deployment image efficiency enhanced: Container size diminished by 50%.
  • Enhanced model inference efficiency: Achieved notable reduction in response times.

Deprecation warning: models 1b40a9b479b131e7acb9cab797f929e28eb5dffac86ce1d71d83c564 and 16dde449bdffa504b805508d58e400b18deb4546219e9aeb63edeed2 will be deprecated in release 2024.4.

das-Peak 2.17

  • New speaker-recognition model with hash 151f12952e9622384073358239301feb1869a3e6eec679953e8f42c5 and a 31.4% relative improvement in False Rejection Rate for Telephone channel.
  • Deprecation of the credential/wav endpoint in favor of the existing and more efficient model/{hash}/credential/wav endpoint.

das-Peak 2.16

  • Removed some fields from the API response:

    • /similarity/credential2wav: fields removed are authenticity_reference, net_speech_duration_reference, and input_audio_duration_reference.
    • /similarity/credential2credential: fields removed are authenticity_reference, net_speech_duration_reference, input_audio_duration_reference, authenticity_to_evaluate, net_speech_duration_to_evaluate and input_audio_duration_to_evaluate.
    • /identification/credential2credentials: fields removed are authenticity_reference, net_speech_duration_reference, input_audio_duration_reference.

das-Peak 2.14

  • Improved antispoofing algorithm for telephone channel.

das-Peak 2.13

  • Enhanced the antispoofing engine of our voice biometric system to improve the detection and prevention of replay attacks specifically for the microphone channel.

    • The enhanced engine has demonstrated a significant increase in detecting both low and high-quality spoofs, with a relative improvement of 37.72% for low-quality spoofs and 80.33% for high-quality spoofs.

    Note: low/high quality spoof attacks are specified in the documentation

  • Addition of two new fields to the API's response:

    1. input_audio_duration: This field provides the duration of the audio received as input by the API.
    2. net_speech_duration: This field provides the duration of the audio after applying our Voice Activity Detection (VAD) technology.

    Note: check all the changes in the API's documentation.

das-Peak 2.12

  • The biometrics model with hash 2b045e0bc0ba5426651d3e4638403da43e5f843afaa32c3fc5773626 has been calibrated for the telephone channel. The new working points have been optimized to balance the system's false positive rate (FPR) and true positive rate (TPR) at a threshold of 0.8. In this new calibration, the FPR has increased from 0.1% to 1%. Under these conditions, the system conversion has improved by a 25% relative improvement.
  • Reduction of VAD (Voice Activity Detection) inference time by 87% on average.
  • Added new credential2credentials endpoint for similarity and identifications. The new endpoints are (more details at:
    • /similarity/credential2credential
    • /identification/credential2credentials
  • Deprecation announcement: The credential/wav endpoint is marked as deprecated, enforcing deprecation for the 2023.7 release. Keep in mind that after the 2023.7 release, it will be necessary to use the endpoint /models/{hash}/credential/wav.

das-Peak 2.11

  • Veridas improves its Voice Authentication solution by introducing a new feature that automatically detects audios containing more than one speaker, preventing incorrect registration processes and improving conversion rates. This feature is available in our biometrics model with hash 2b045e0bc0ba5426651d3e4638403da43e5f843afaa32c3fc5773626.

das-Peak 2.10

  • Veridas improves its Voice Biometric Authentication solution by enhancing its Voice Activity Detection (VAD) module, the accuracy has been improved by 58.6% compared to the last version.
  • Multichannel support (configured to accept a maximum of 2 channels, audio stereo). The effected endpoints are:
    • /credential/wav
    • /similarity/credential2wav
    • /similarity/wav2wav
    • /identification/wav2credentials
    • /models/{hash}/credential/wav

das-Peak 2.8

  • This version adds improvements our liveness detection algorithm which is capable of detecting non-genuine voices (prerecorded or synthetic voices). We improved detection of voices coming from high quality speakers by 50.22% and by 36.92% the voices coming from low quality speakers.
  • Non-backwards compatible API Change announcement: The /credential/wav endpoint will have hash model ID parameter as mandatory for the 2023 Q1 release.

das-Peak 2.7

  • New Biometrics model with hash 2b045e0bc0ba5426651d3e4638403da43e5f843afaa32c3fc5773626 and a better performance.
  • Increased max number of subjects in identification endpoints. The previous N = 100 value has been improved to N = 1000.

das-Peak 2.6

  • Increased max number of subjects in identification endpoints. The previous N = 10 value has been improved to N = 100.
  • The following model with hash '38da15f1b61fb5800c5928f6f1437aed7a0b0e7921fa6bb7852c5783' has been deprecated. The same is not available anymore.

das-Peak 2.4

  • Updated endpoint '/models/{hash}/credential/wav' to give same AS result than other endpoints.
  • Added new voice biometric model with hash '16dde449bdffa504b805508d58e400b18deb4546219e9aeb63edeed2' with last version of antispoofing.

das-Peak 2.3

  • Different multi-calibration modes: this new functionality allows customers to select between different calibration modes to get the best accuracy of the verification/identification results depending on the use case (telephone audio, lossless audio or non-calibration).
  • New endpoint to obtain metadata information of a model given its hash. With this endpoint, it is possible to get some metadata about a specific model.
  • New endpoint to obtain the types of calibration that a model supports. With this endpoint, it is possible to know the calibration allowed in a specific model to be used for a specific use case.
  • New endpoint to obtain the hash model that was used to create a voice credential.
  • Support for a contextual data header: this new header is logged in every query allowing to build statistics and billing segregated by customer, use cases, sub-clients and so on.

das-Peak 2.2

This new version of das-Peak incorporates an updated model to detect replay attack spoofs through reproducing voice by smartphone speakers. Briefly, this new version of das-Peak introduces the following changes:

  • Pre-recorded voice detection (Replay attack) has significantly improved now reaching 98,62% accuracy. In addition to that this detection method is now represented by a new score that can be optionally activated for backwards compatibility.

das-Peak 2.2.4 (2020-Q1)

This new version of das-Peak incorporates new features to work with multiple voice biometric engines and new audio formats. Briefly, this new version of das-Peak introduces the following changes:

  • New voice biometric model added which improves accuracy by 26% compared to the previous model. New voice credentials will be generated using the new voice biometric model by default. Previous model can be used as well.
  • Capability of processing voice audios with 16Khz sample rate and 16 bits per sample added. das-Peak 2.2.1

This new version of das-Peak incorporates two new endpoints to the API for speaker identification functionalities. Briefly, this new version of das-Peak introduces the following changes:

  • Identification endpoint to compare a wav file with a voice credentials list, returning the highest score credential and the rest of scores.
  • Identification endpoint to compare a voice credential with a voice credentials list, returning the highest score credential and the rest of scores. das-Peak 1.5

This new version of das-Peak incorporates improved model for speaker verification functionalities. Briefly, this new version of das-Peak introduces the following changes:

  • Accuracy of the Voice biometric model improved (EER=4.73 vs EER=3.69, 22% improvement)