ID Proofing Capabilities¶
The ID proofing validation response depends on two main factors.
- ID Document: Each ID document is different, it can be made with different techniques or materials and contains different security features and data. Countries tend to improve their ID documents according to the technology/security evolution.
- Capture technology: Veridas has capture SDKs for iOS, Android, and HTML platforms. Depending on the capture technology, different sensors or capture features are available or not. For example, NFC is not available in HTML. So the scope is influenced also by the capture technology used. The device used for capture also affects the document validation. HTML laptop built-in cameras usually have lower performance than an external one or the camera of a mobile device.
From all these data extracted from the document content, the product differentiates the extraction into two types, nodes and scores. The information is additionally crossed between the different recurrences found in the document. This information can be seen reflected in the following way:
- Field Information Extraction (text, numbers, images, barcodes, etc).
- The information provided on the document is extracted and associated with a unique source (Name, LastName, etc) for further use. The extracted information will be in a simple text/numerical format.
- Individual Score fields.
- Each extraction is associated with a score through one or several "validators". It can be an OCR extraction or a security feature.
- Score field Relations. (VIZ - MRZ, VIZ - BARCODE, etc)
- Associate nodes that extract the same information to help to decode and determine possible manipulation.
- Score Field Groups.
- The individual scores can be grouped easily by subject or rules, these are the ones to be used.
- Score Global Document.
- All scores are combined using groupings, weights, operations, and modifiers to form the overall score of the document verification.
Different validation scores are available for each document type depending on the information and security measures embedded by each document. All scores have values between 0 and 1, 1 meaning the highest level of confidence of this particular security feature.
High-Security verifications
1. Data logic. Veridas IDV Solution verifies the logical consistency of the information printed on the document. This includes verification of check digits, data format, and logical relationships between different fields. It is represented through the ScoreGroup-DataValidity score. Also, Veridas IDV Solution verifies that the document has not yet expired through the ScoreGroup-ValidExpirationDate score and that the owner is of legal age through the ScoreGroup-FullAge.
2. MRZ Checksum. Veridas IDV Solution reads and verifies the MRZ check digits of the identity document. It is represented through the ScoreGroup-MRZDecoding score.
3. VIZ vs MRZ consistency. Veridas IDV Solution verifies the degree of similarity or consistency of the data written in the document (VIZ) against the data printed in the MRZ. It is represented through the ScoreGroup-VIZ-MRZ-DataRecurrence score.
4. B&W photocopies detection. Veridas IDV Solution detects the presence of photocopies of black and white documents. It is represented through the ScoreGroup-ColorAuthenticity score.
Advanced Security verifications
1. Coloured photocopies detection. Veridas IDV Solution detects the presence of colored photocopies of documents. It is represented through the ScoreGroup-PrintAttackTest score.
2. Photo to screen (replay) detection. Veridas IDV Solution detects the presence of documents displayed on a screen (for example, on a computer or mobile device). It is represented through the ScoreGroup-ReplayAttackTest score.
3. Photo replacement. Veridas IDV Solution detects the impersonation or modification of the printed photo in the document. It is represented through the ScoreGroup-PhotoAuthenticity score.
4. Bidi code data consistency. Veridas IDV Solution performs the reading of two-dimensional codes printed on the document (QR, PDF417, Code 128 or Code 39) and verifies the consistency of the content against the information printed on the document. It is represented through the ScoreGroup-BarcodesDecoding.
5. Broken document detection. Veridas IDV Solution detects when a document is broken. It is represented through the ScoreGroup-DamagedDocumentTest.
Max Security verifications.
1. MRZ vs NFC consistency. The comparison between the data printed on the document and the information stored on the chip allows the highest level of security to be achieved. Veridas IDV Solution compares the content written in the document and the content stored in the document's NFC chip to verify its consistency. It is represented through the ScoreGroup-MRZ-NFC-DataRecurrence score.
2. Photo replacement with NFC. Also, Veridas IDV Solution uses facial biometrics to compare the photo printed on the document with the photo stored on the chip. In this way, the ScoreGroup-PhotoAuthenticity score presented above obtains the highest possible accuracy.
All these checks generate a global document validation score. It is represented through the Score-DocumentGlobal score (SG). The influence on the calculation of the global score of each of the scores presented is detailed below. They all take a value between 0 and 1. The higher the value of the score, the greater the confidence that it represents an valid document.
Environment | Solution | Platform | Data Logic | MRZ Checksum | VIZ vs MRZ checksum | Bidi code data consistency | B&W photocopies | Colored photocopies | Photo replacement | Photo to screen (replay) | MRZ vs NFC consistency | Photo replacement with NFC |
- | Validas | - | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
Desktop | XpressID | Web | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
Desktop | SDKs+Validas | Web | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
Mobile | XpressID | Web | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||
Mobile | SDKs+Validas | Web | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||
Mobile | SDKs+Validas | Android | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Mobile | SDKs+Validas | IOS | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Document specifications¶
Veridas IDV Solution service provides two types of results: document information (nodes) and authenticity validation scores. All the document information and authenticity validation scores for each document are included in the section OCR Languages and nodes. Veridas IDV Solution uses an own nomenclature (based on PRADO, ISO, and ICAO standards) to refer to each document type of each country or region. These documents types are the names of the supported documents (for more information go to Document Coverage). Each document has its output nodes (OCR) and scores (for more information go to OCR Languages and nodes and ID Document Security Feature, these nodes and scores have their nomenclature.
Document Type name specification¶
The doc-type is defined following the rule: “Country name o geografical area + Document type + Year”.
- Country name: Name of the country the document belongs to. The nomeclature is based in the two letter ISO 3166-2 alpha-2.
- Geografical area: Name of the specific region of the country using the ISO 3166-2 alpha-2. Ej: US-AL is Alabama in United States of America.
- Document type: Type of the document:
- IDCard: Identity cards.
- ResidencePermit: Foreigner identity card.
- DrivingLicense: Driving Licenses.
- DrivingLicense-PL: Provisional Driving License.
- IDCard-PO: Postal Identification Card.
- IDCard-MilitaryRS: Reserve Military IDCard.
- IDCard-MilitaryRT: Retired Military IDCard.
- IDCard-MilitaryRR: Reserve Retired Military IDCard.
- HealthCard: Health Insurance Card.
- ProfessionalCard: Professional qualifications card.
- Passport: ICAO supported passports.
- Document type reduced:
- ID(IDCard): IDCard, ResidencePermit, IDCard-PO, IDCard-MilitaryRS, IDCard-MilitaryRT, IDCard-MilitaryRR.
- DL(DrivingLicense): Driving license and DrivingLicense-PL
- HC(HealthCard): HealthCard
- PC(ProfessionalCard): ProfessionalCard
- Others
- Passports
- Year: Issuing year of the document.
The first point to define are the geographies, regions or types of documents to be used. Veridas IDV Solution has a general document classifier to which a parameter must be passed in one of the following ways:
- Country: It will classify the obverse image among all the documents available from that country.
- Country and type: It will classify the obverse image among all the documents available from that country in that specific type.
- List of document types or groups separated by commas: It will classify the obverse image among all the documents belonging to the specified groups or document types. In this case, the list must not be redundant. That is, it is not possible to specify a list with groups that are contained in other groups of the list, for example, ES, ES_DL will be incorrect. All the document types contained on the list should be accepted by Veridas IDV Solution and the classifier. If these conditions are not met, Veridas IDV Solution will return a 400 error before processing the validation. A valid example could be: "ES,MX_IDCard_2008,AT_DrivingLicense_2006,CO".
- document_type XX: It will classify the obverse image among all the documents recognized by the general classifier. Check out
GET available-types
endpoint to see all the documents classified in XX mode.
Finally, the type of the specific document can be sent where classification is not carried out.
DOCUMENTS | DE | DE_ID | DE_DL | XX | DE_ID,DE_DrivingLicense_2004 | |
DE_DrivingLicense_2004 | X | X | X | X | ||
DE_DrivingLicense_2013 | X | X | X | |||
DE_IDCard_2007 | X | X | X | X | ||
DE_IDCard_2010 | X | X | X | X |
The documents are grouped by country or by country and type ("Country name + Document type reduced"). This feature can be used if the user dosen't know the document type of the validation. For more information of all the avaible document type please go to appendix Document Coverage.
Document OCR nodes Nomenclature¶
OCR nodes are built using the following rule: {DataType}{DataItem}
Data type
The data type is defined using two uppercase letters. The options are:
- “PD”. Stands for Personal Data. It includes all the information related to the document’s owner (e.g. name, birthdate, address...).
- “DD”. Stands for Document Data. It includes all the information specific to this particular document (e.g. expedition date, expire date...).
- “OD”. Stands for Other Data. It includes all other types of information.
Data item
Data item refers to the specific information stored in this field, such as "Name", "Sex", "BirthDate"...
For a deeper look into a specific document, the section OCR Languages and nodes includes the document information reference names for each specific type of document.
Document validation scores specification¶
All documents have a common Score Global Document, which represents the final score given to the document and it can be used to decide about the authenticity of the document. There are 3 types of scores:
- ScoreVal: Represent the value of a defined score. Ej: ScoreVal-DD_AcceptableExpirationDate-Value, 0 if the document is expired or 1 if is valid.
- ScoreRel: Represent the relation between two scores. Ej: ScoreRel-PD_Name_MRZ-PD_Name_NFC-Text, checks the relation of the Name in the MRZ and in the NFC 0 is no relation and 1 is a perfect relation.
- ScoreGroup: Represent the value of multiple scores aggregated to give a value. Ej: ScoreGroup-Codebar-VIZ-DataRecurrence, checks all the data recurrency between VIZ and the CodeBar.
For each documents posible score please refer to the ID Document Security Feature.
Multiple Document Validation¶
Veridas' Digital Onboarding allows the verification with up to three different documents (ID cards, passports, driving licenses, etc.). This modality can be applied in use cases where mulitple documents must be validated . For example in the mobility sector the driving license and id card must be validate in one onboarding. For more information please refer here