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Logging events

By default the SDK logs events to the console, however, it is also possible to log these events using firebase or a custom logger implementation.

Logger Factory

The start method for the SDK also accepts a class which extends the com.dasnano.logger.LoggerFactory interface. This logger factory interface provides the create() method which must return an instance of a class which implements the com.dasnano.logger.Logger interface. Implementations from the LoggerFactory class cannot have more than one empty constructor.


Veridas provides a Firebase logger which is in its own module. This module can be imported (New... > Module > Import .JAR/.AAR Package) into the app and the dependencies implementation project (":VDLoggerFirebase") and implementation('') must be added to the dependencies section from apps the build.gradle file.

The next step would be to create the factory class for the Firebase logger, an example (java):

public class FirebaseLoggerFactory implements LoggerFactory {
    public Logger create() {
        return FirebaseLogger.Builder()
                .appId(/* The firebase app id */)
                .folder(/* The firebase folder */)
                .projectId(/* The firebase project id */)
                .storageBucket(/* The firebase storage bucket name */)
                .userId(/* The firebase user id */)
                .verificationId(/* The firebase verification id */)
                /* or, alternatively, it is possible to provide both the user and verification id as a combined string 
                 * separated by an underscore (_) character.
                .userAndVerificationId(/* <user id>_<verification id> */)

The same example in Kotlin:

class FirebaseLoggerFactory : LoggerFactory {
    override fun create(): Logger {
        return FirebaseLogger.Builder()
                .appId(/* The firebase app id */)
                .folder(/* The firebase folder */)
                .projectId(/* The firebase project id */)
                .storageBucket(/* The firebase storage bucket name */)
                .userId(/* The firebase user id */)
                .verificationId(/* The firebase verification id */)
                /* or, alternatively, it is possible to provide both the user and verification id as a combined string 
                 * separated by an underscore (_) character.
                .userAndVerificationId(/* <user id>_<verification id> */)

Then when the SDK is started the class name of the logger factory can be passed to the SDK using the configuration option VDDocumentCaptureConfiguration.LOGGER_FACTORY_CLASS, e.g:

Map<String, String> configuration = new HashMap();
