The SDK can be configured by providing a dictionary to the SDK. All colors are configured with a dictionary with "red", "green", "blue" as keys and values between 0-255 and "alpha" as key and value between 0-1. Remember to set all text parameters as short and concise as possible to better fit the screen. The SDK configuration dictionary may contain or not the following keys/values:
- advancedDetectionEnabled: whether a generic rectangle detector after the initial smart detection (if all documents are smart) is set or not. ("YES"/"NO")
- advancedDetectionDeferred: whether a generic rectangle detector before the initial smart detection (if all documents are smart) is set or not. ("YES"/"NO")
- advancedDetectionObverseDelay : Seconds to wait before start rectangle detection after smart on the obverse.
- advancedDetectionReverseDelay : Seconds to wait before start rectangle detection after smart on the reverse.
- arrowcolor1 : The color of the first guiding arrow for the document.
- arrowcolor2 : The color of the second guiding arrow for the document.
- arrowcolor3 : The color of the third guiding arrow for the document.
- arrowcolor4 : The color of the forth guiding arrow for the document.
- arrowcolor5 : The color of the fifth guiding arrow for the document.
- arrows : Whether the SDK may have to show the guiding arrows for the document or not. ("YES"/"NO")
- backgroundcolor : The background color of the informative label shown to the user.
- capturebackgroundcolor : The background color of the capture view.
- checkdocumenttext : The text that is shown to inform the user in the revision of the document photo.
- checkdocumenttextcolor : The color of the text that is shown to inform the user in the revision of the document photo.
- closebutton : Whether the SDK may have a close button or not. ("YES"/"NO")
- closebuttonimage : Image to be shown to close the SDK.
- continuebuttonbackgroundcolor : The background color of the continue button in the document photo verification.
- continuebuttonicon : Image to be shown alongside the continue button.
- continuebuttontext : The text of the continue button in the document photo verification.
- continuebuttontextcolor : The color of the text of the continue button in the document photo verification.
- documentdetectedoklevel1color: Template and text color when document is detected in the correct position. Level 1.
- documentdetectedoklevel2color: Template and text color when document is detected in the correct position. Level 2.
- documentdetectedoklevel3color: Template and text color when document is detected in the correct position. Level 3.
- documentdetectedveryclosecolor: Template color when document is detected but it is very close.
- documentdetectedveryfarcolor: Template color when document is detected but it is very far.
- documentveryclose : The text to show when the document is located but too close to the device.
- documentveryfar : The text to show when the document is located but far from the device.
- familyName : Name of the font to be used in all SDK.
- fixedrectangle : Whether the SDK may have the fixed rectangle to fit with the document or not. ("YES"/"NO")
- fixedtemplate : Whether the SDK may have the fixed template to help fit the document or not. ("YES"/"NO")
- flashwaitingalert : The text of the alert between flash/non-flash image captures.
- flashwaitingalertanimationimage : The image of the alert between flash/non-flash image captures. It can be a png or a gif. The png indefinitely rotates by the center of the image.
- flashwaitingalertbgcolor : The background color of the alert between flash/non-flash image captures.
- flashwaitingalerttextcolor : The color of the text of the alert between flash/non-flash image captures.
- infoalert : The text to show at the beginning of the capture to briefly inform the user of the next step of the process.
- infoalertpass : The text to show at the beginning of the capture to briefly inform the user of the next step of the process.
- infoalertshow : Whether the initial alert must be shown or not.("YES","NO")
- infoalerttitle : The title of the alert showed at the beginning of the capture.
- infoalerttitlepass : The title of the alert showed at the beginning of the capture in passport case.
- infobuttonimage : The image of the help button in the document review.
- informativetextcolor : The color of the text of the informative label shown to the user.
- obversedetectiondelay : Seconds to wait before start detection on the obverse.
- obverseflash : Whether the SDK may have to take obverse with flash image or not. ("YES"/"NO")
- obversenotfoundtext : The text to show when the obverse is not found.
- onlyobverse : Whether the SDK may have to take only obverse image capture or not. ("YES"/"NO") This key also supports an array of documents that will not take the revese photo. Eg: ["ES_IDCard_2006", "ES_IDCard_2015"].
- passportbuttonbackgroundcolor : The background color for the passport button capture.
- passportnotfoundtext : The text to show when the passport is not found. (At the moment the passport capture is manual)
- permissionrefused : The text for the alert when a permission is not allowed.
- permissionrefusedbutton : The text of the button from the alert when a permission is not allowed. This button will lead to the permission settings of the app.
- permissionrefusedtitle : The title for the alert when a permission is not allowed.
- popupvalidationbackgroundcolor : The background color of the text to show when the user hits the help button in the document photo verification.
- popupvalidationtextcolor : The color of the text to show when the user hits the help button in the document photo verification.
- positivebuttontitle : The text of the all positive buttons.
- ratioButtonsValidation : The ratio regarding the image for each of the buttons in the validation view.
- repeatbuttonbackgroundcolor : The background color of the repeat button in the document photo verification.
- repeatbuttonicon : Image to be shown alongside the repeat button.
- repeatbuttontext : The text of the repeat button in the document photo verification.
- repeatbuttontextcolor : The color of the text of the repeat button in the document photo verification.
- reversedetectiondelay : Seconds to wait before start detection on the reverse.
- reverseflash : Whether the SDK may have to take reverse with flash image or not. ("YES"/"NO")
- reversenotfoundtext : The text to show when the reverse is not found.
- secondswithoutpicture : The number of seconds that are needed without taking the photo for the SDK to notify the app.
- secondswithoutshutterbuttonobverse : The number of seconds that are consumed before showing the shutter button in the obverse case.
- secondswithoutshutterbuttonreverse : The number of seconds that are consumed before showing the shutter button in the reverse case.
- secondswithshutterbuttonmessage : The number of seconds that shutter button message will be shown.
- showdocument : Whether document photo verification section must be shown or not.("YES","NO")
- showtutorial : Whether the tutorial must be shown or not.("YES","NO")
- shutterbuttonbackgroundcolor : Color of the circle of the shutter image.
- shutterbuttonbordercolor : Color of the circle of the shutter image.
- shutterbuttonmessage : Text to be shown in the shutter message.
- shutterbuttonmessagebackgroundcolor : Color of the message of the shutter button.
- shutterbuttonmessagetextcolor : Color of the message of the shutter button.
- shutterbuttonshow : Whether the shutter button and message have to be shown or not.("YES","NO")
- tickcirclecolor : Color of the circle of the tick image.
- tickcolor : Color of the tick of the tick image.
- tutorialbackgroundcolor : Background color of the tutorial view.
- tutorialcontinuebuttoncolor : Background color of the continue button in the tutorial view.
- tutorialcontinuebuttontextcolor : Text color of the continue button in the tutorial view.
- tutorialgif : Name of the gif to be shown in the tutorial view.
- tutorialtext : Text to be shown in the tutorial view.
- tutorialtextcolor : Color of the text to be shown in the tutorial view.
- tutorialtitle : Title to be shown in the tutorial view.
- tutorialtitlecolor : Color of the title to be shown in the tutorial view.
- userinfo : The text to show when the user hits the help button in the document photo verification section.
- validationbackgroundcolor : The background color of the document photo verification section.
The default values for these keys are:
Key | Default Value (en/es) |
"advancedDetectionEnabled" | "NO" |
"advancedDetectionDeferred" | "NO" |
"advancedDetectionObverseDelay" | "6" |
"advancedDetectionReverseDelay" | "6" |
"arrowcolor1" | red = "133", green = "202", blue = "255", alpha = "1" |
"arrowcolor2" | red = "204", green = "239", blue = "255", alpha = "1" |
"arrowcolor3" | red = "226", green = "241", blue = "249", alpha = "1" |
"arrowcolor4" | red = "237", green = "244", blue = "248", alpha = "1" |
"arrowcolor5" | red = "249", green = "250", blue = "251", alpha = "1" |
"arrows" | "YES" |
"backgroundcolor" | red = "0", green = "0", blue = "0", alpha = "0.66" |
"capturebackgroundcolor" | red = "125", green = "125", blue = "125", alpha = "1" |
"checkdocumenttext" | "If the photo is clear, press CONTINUE" "Si la foto se ve bien, pulsa CONTINUAR" |
"checkdocumenttextcolor" | red = "255", green = "255", blue = "255", alpha = "1" |
"closebutton" | "NO" |
"closebuttonimage" | "ic_closebutton.png" |
"continuebuttonbackgroundcolor" | red = "17", green = "100", blue = "102", alpha = "1" |
"continuebuttonicon" | "" |
"continuebuttontext" | "CONTINUE" "CONTINUAR" |
"continuebuttontextcolor" | red = "255", green = "255", blue = "255", alpha = "1" |
"continuebuttontextcolor" | red = "255", green = "255", blue = "255", alpha = "1" |
"documentdetectedoklevel1color" | red = "0", green = "255", blue = "0", alpha = "1" |
"documentdetectedoklevel2color" | red = "127.5", green = "255", blue = "212.5", alpha = "1" |
"documentdetectedoklevel3color" | red = "191.25", green = "255", blue = "255", alpha = "1" |
"documentdetectedveryclosecolor" | red = "252", green = "50", blue = "30", alpha = "1" |
"documentdetectedveryfarcolor" | red = "8.16", green = "77.93", blue = "163.2", alpha = "1" |
"documentveryclose" | "Too close! Place the device further" "¡Demasiado cerca! Aleje el dispositivo" |
"documentveryfar" | "Too far! Place the device closer" "¡Demasiado lejos! Acerque el dispositivo" |
"familyName" | "Helvetica" |
"fixedrectangle" | "YES" |
"fixedtemplate" | "YES" |
"flashwaitingalert" | "Do not move. Taking flash photo." "No se mueva. Tomando la foto con flash." |
"flashwaitingalertbgcolor" | red = "0", green = "0", blue = "0", alpha = "0.7" |
"flashwaitingalerttextcolor" | red = "255", green = "255", blue = "255", alpha = "1" |
"infoalert" | "The photos will be taken automatically" "Se tomarán las fotos automáticamente" |
"infoalertpass" | "The photos will be taken automatically" "Se tomarán las fotos automáticamente" |
"infoalertshow" | "YES" |
"infoalerttitle" | "" |
"infoalerttitlepass" | "" |
"informativetextcolor" | red = "255", green = "255", blue = "255", alpha = "1" |
"obversedetectiondelay" | "0" |
"obverseflash" | "YES" |
"obversenotfoundtext" | "Fit the FRONT" "Encaje la parte DELANTERA" |
"onlyobverse" | "NO" |
"passportbuttonbackgroundcolor" | red = "204", green = "204", blue = "204", alpha = "1" |
"passportnotfoundtext" | "Adjust the Passport page" "Ajuste la página del pasaporte" |
"permissionrefused" | "The permission was rejected.\nYou need to activate it manually:\nSettings > Application > Activate Permission" "Ha rechazado el permiso.\nTiene que activarlo manualmente en:\nAjustes > Aplicación > Activar Permiso" |
"permissionrefusedbutton" | "Open settings" "Abrir ajustes" |
"permissionrefusedtitle" | "Required permission" "Permiso requerido" |
"popupvalidationbackgroundcolor" | red = "0", green = "0", blue = "0", alpha = "0.7" |
"popupvalidationtextcolor" | red = "255", green = "255", blue = "255", alpha = "1" |
"positivebuttontitle" | "Continue" "Continuar" |
"ratioButtonsValidation" | "2" |
"repeatbuttonbackgroundcolor" | red = "17", green = "100", blue = "102", alpha = "1" |
"repeatbuttonicon" | "" |
"repeatbuttontext" | "REPEAT" "REPETIR" |
"repeatbuttontextcolor" | red = "255", green = "255", blue = "255", alpha = "1" |
"reversedetectiondelay" | "0" |
"reverseflash" | "NO" |
"reversenotfoundtext" | "Fit the BACKSIDE" "Encaje la parte TRASERA" |
"secondswithoutpicture" | "40" |
"secondswithoutshutterbuttonobverse" | "10" |
"secondswithoutshutterbuttonreverse" | "10" |
"secondswithshutterbuttonmessage" | "6" |
"showdocument" | "YES" |
"showtutorial" | "NO" |
"shutterbuttonbackgroundcolor" | red = "233", green = "233", blue = "234", alpha = "1" |
"shutterbuttonbordercolor" | red = "204", green = "204", blue = "204", alpha = "1" |
"shutterbuttonmessage" | "Tap the button to take the photo" "Presione el botón para sacar la foto" |
"shutterbuttonmessagetextcolor" | red = "255", green = "255", blue = "255", alpha = "1" |
"shutterbuttonshow" | "YES" |
"tickcirclecolor" | red = "72", green = "174", blue = "100", alpha = "1" |
"tickcolor" | red = "255", green = "255", blue = "255", alpha = "1" |
"tutorialbackgroundcolor" | red = "66", green = "66", blue = "66", alpha = "1" |
"tutorialcontinuebuttoncolor" | red = "17", green = "100", blue = "102", alpha = "1" |
"tutorialcontinuebuttontext" | "Continue" "Continuar" |
"tutorialcontinuebuttontextcolor" | red = "255", green = "255", blue = "255", alpha = "1" |
"tutorialgif" | "" |
"tutorialtext" | "• Make sure that your document does not present shines or shades.\n• Center your document in the frame.\n• The picture will be take AUTOMATICALLY." "• Asegúrese de que su documento no muestra brillos o sombras.\n• Centre su documento en el marco.\n• La fotografía se capturará de forma AUTOMÁTICA." |
"tutorialtextcolor" | red = "255", green = "255", blue = "255", alpha = "1" |
"tutorialtitle" | "Document Capture" "Captura Documento" |
"tutorialtitlecolor" | red = "255", green = "255", blue = "255", alpha = "1" |
"userinfo" | "Please, check that your document is focused, without cuts and without any kind of brightness that prevents its perfect reading." "Por favor, compruebe que su documento está enfocado, sin cortes y sin ningún tipo de brillo que impida su perfecta lectura." |
"validationbackgroundcolor" | red = "66", green = "66", blue = "66", alpha = "1" |