The SDK can be configured by providing a Map to the SDK. This map may contain or not the following keys/values, sorted alphabetically:
- alertstyle : The style of alerts. ("black"/"white")
- backgroundcolor : The face validation screen background color. ("#XXXXXX" a color in hexadecimal value)
- bringcloserfacetext : The text instructing the user to bring their face closer to the camera.
- centerfacetext : The text instructing the user to center their face in the oval.
- challengebottomtext : The text indication for bottom movement.
- challengecentertext : The text indication for center movement.
- challengelefttext : The text indication for left movement.
- challengerighttext : The text indication for right movement.
- challengetoptext : The text indication for top movement.
- checkselfiebackgroundcolor : The color of the background in the revision of the selfie photo.
- checkselfietext : The text that is shown to inform the user in the revision of the selfie photo.
- checkselfietextcolor : The color of the text that is shown to inform the user in the revision of the selfie photo.
- closebutton : The existence of a button to close the SDK. ("YES"/"NO").
- closebuttonimage : The name of the image for the close button, it should be stored in the app res/drawable folder
- continuebuttonbackgroundcolor : The color of the continue button background in the validation screen ("#XXXXXX" a color in hexadecimal value).
- continuebuttonicon : The name of the image for the continue button, it should be stored in the app res/drawable folder
- continuebuttontext : The text of the continue button in the validation screen.
- continuebuttontextcolor : The color of the continue button text in the validation screen ("#XXXXXX" a color in hexadecimal value).
- deviceincorrectposition : The text indication when the device is in an incorrect position.
- facedetectednotcenteredcolor: Fixed oval color when the face is detected but it is not centered ("#XXXXXX" a color in hexadecimal value).
- facedetectedokcolor: Fixed oval color when the face is detected.
- faceshapeoval: Whether the reference shape for the face should be an oval.
- facetightness: The distance in which the face is detected. ("tight"/"loose")
- facing : Camera to be used to take the picture. ("back"/"front").
- finaltutorialalertshow : Whether the final error of the Selfie Alive Pro and Selfie Alive process must be shown or not. ("YES" / "NO")
- fixedoval : Whether the fixed oval at the center of the screen must be shown or not. ("YES"/"NO")
- infoalert : The text of the alert shown at the beginning of the capture.
- infoalertshow: Whether the initial alert must be shown or not.("YES","NO")
- infoalerttitle : The title of the alert showed at the beginning of the capture.
- informativetextcolor : The color of the text of the informative label shown to the user. ("#XXXXXX" a color in hexadecimal value)
- jwstoken : The token that defines the challenge in a Selfie Alive Pro process.
- livephoto : Whether the SDK may ask the user to smile or not. "YES"/"NO".
- loggerfactoryclass : The logger factory class which will create a logger instance.
- mobileoval : Whether the following face surrounding oval must be shown or not. ("YES"/"NO")
- mobileovalcolor : The color of the face surrounding oval. ("#XXXXXX" a color in hexadecimal value)
- orientationopacity : Whether the SDK may change the opacity of the screen when the orientation is incorrect or not. ("YES"/"NO").
- orientationbackgroundcolor : The color of the background when the orientation is incorrect not. ("#XXXXXX" a color in hexadecimal value)
- permissionrefused : The text of the alert shown when the permission needed is not allowed.
- permissionrefusedtitle : The title of the alert shown when the permission needed is not allowed.
- popupvalidationbackgroundcolor :The background color of the text to show when the user hits the help button in the photo verification. ("#XXXXXX" a color in hexadecimal value)
- popupvalidationtextcolor : The color of the text to show when the user hits the help button in the photo verification. ("#XXXXXX" a color in hexadecimal value)
- positivebuttontext : The text of the all positive buttons.
- qualitylevel: The quality level to which the image taken will be compressed. ("high"/"medium")
- repeatbuttonbackgroundcolor : The color of the button of repeat and continue in the selfie photo verification.
- repeatbuttonicon : The name of the image for the repeat button, it should be stored in the app res/drawable folder
- repeatbuttontext : The text of the repeat button in the selfie photo verification.
- repeatbuttontextcolor : The color of the repeat button text in the validation screen. ("#XXXXXX" a color in hexadecimal value)
- searchingfacestepinstruction : The informative text in a selfie step process.
- selfiealiveshowarrows : Whether the SDK may show the arrows to help the user to perform the movement. ("YES"/"NO")
- selfiealiveshowgif : Whether the SDK may show the face gif to help the user to perform the movement. ("YES"/"NO")
- selfiealivearrowcolor : The color of the arrow shown to help the user to perform the movement.
- selfiengaserroralertbuttontext : The text to accept the error alert in a Selfie Alive Pro and Selfie Alive process.
- selfiengaserroralertdescription : The description of the alert in a Selfie Alive Pro process.
- selfiengaserroralertstep1 : The first step description of Selfie Alive Pro process in the error alert.
- selfiengaserroralertstep2 : The second step description of Selfie Alive Pro process in the error alert.
- selfiengaserroralertstep3 : The third step description of Selfie Alive Pro process in the error alert.
- selfiengaserroralerttitle : The title of the error alert in a Selfie Alive and Selfie Alive Pro process.
- selfiengaserroralerttitlecolor : The title color and the button color of the error alert in a Selfie Alive and Selfie Alive Pro process.
- selfiengastutorialdescription3 : The third step description of Selfie Alive Pro process in the tutorial.
- selfiengastutorialstep3title : The third step title of Selfie Alive Pro process in the tutorial.
- selfiesmiletutorialdescription3 : The third step description of Selfie Alive with smile process in the tutorial.
- selfiesmiletutorialstep3title : The third step title of Selfie Alive Smile process in the tutorial.
- selfietutorialbackgroundcolor : The background color of the tutorial view.
- selfietutorialcontinuebuttonfirstgradientcolor : The first gradient color of the continue button in the tutorial.
- selfietutorialcontinuebuttonsecondgradientcolor : The second gradient color of the continue button in the tutorial.
- selfietutorialcontinuebuttontext : The text shown in the continue button of the tutorial.
- selfietutorialcontinuebuttontextcolor" : The color of the text shown in the continue button of the tutorial.
- selfietutorialcurrentpointcolor : The color of the current slide point in the tutorial.
- selfietutorialdescription1 : The first step description of Selfie process in the tutorial.
- selfietutorialdescription2 : The second step description of Selfie process in the tutorial.
- selfietutorialdescriptioncolor : The color of the tutorial descriptions in the tutorial slides.
- selfietutorialgeneraltitle : The title of the tutorial.
- selfietutorialgeneraltitlecolor : The title color of the tutorial.
- selfietutorialstep1title : The first step title of Selfie process in the tutorial.
- selfietutorialstep2title : The second step title of Selfie process in the tutorial.
- selfietutorialstepbuttonnexttext : The text of the next button in the tutorial slides.
- selfietutorialstepbuttonnexttextcolor : The color of the next button in the tutorial slides.
- selfietutorialstepbuttonprevioustext : The text of the previous button in the tutorial slides.
- selfietutorialstepbuttonprevioustextcolor : The color of the previous button in the tutorial slides.
- selfietutorialsteptitlecolor : The color of the tutorial titles in the tutorial slides.
- showselfie : Whether the SDK may show the selfie taken to verify it is correct. ("YES"/"NO").
- showtutorial : Whether the initial tutorial has to be shown or not ("YES"/"NO").
- smartselfie : Whether the photo selfie will help the user take a selfie in the correct position or not. ("YES"/"NO") If set to YES, capture is blocked until the user holds the device perpendicular to the ground. The screen shows a message accompanied with an image guiding the user on how to proceed.
- smilerequestmoreserious : The text to ask the user to be more serious.
- smilerequestmoresmile : The text to ask the user to smile more.
- smilerequestserious : The text to ask the user to be serious.
- smilerequestseriousimage: The name of the image with an serious face icon, it should be stored in the app res/drawable folder
- smilerequestsmile : The text to ask the user to smile.
- smilerequestsmileimage : The name of the image with an smile icon, it should be stored in the app res/drawable folder
- smiletimeout : Whether the livephoto must have a timeout or not. ("YES"/"NO")
- smiletimeoutmessage : The text to show when the timeout is triggered.
- smiletimeoutseconds : Seconds in which the smiletimeout is triggered.
- smilewarningseconds : Seconds in which the smilewarning is triggered.
- textbackgroundcolor : The background color of texts which appears in capture screens or in the help sections. ("#XXXXXX" a color in hexadecimal value)
- tickcirclecolor : Color of the circle of the tick image. Supported formats are: #RRGGBB #AARRGGBB 'red', 'blue', 'green', 'black', 'white', 'gray', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'lightgray', 'darkgray'.
- tickcolor : Color of the tick of the tick image. Supported formats are: #RRGGBB #AARRGGBB 'red', 'blue', 'green', 'black', 'white', 'gray', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'lightgray', 'darkgray'.
- tickshow : Whether the final tick must be shown or not. ("YES" / "NO")
- userinfo : The text to show when the user hits the help button in the selfie photo verification section.
- veridaslogoshow : Whether the veridas logo should be shown.
The default values for these keys are:
Key | Default Value (en/es) |
"alertstyle" | "black" |
"backgroundcolor" | "#CC808080" |
"bringcloserfacetext" | "Get closer to the camera" |
"centerfacetext" | "Center your face in the oval" |
"challengebottomtext" | "Turn your face down" "Gira la cara hacia abajo" |
"challengecentertext" | "¡Great! Look back to the center" "¡Bien! Vuelve al centro" |
"challengelefttext" | "Turn your face to your left" "Gira la cara hacia tu izquierda" |
"challengerighttext" | "Turn your face to your right" "Gira la cara hacia tu derecha" |
"challengetoptext" | "Turn your face up" "Gira la cara hacia arriba" |
"checkselfiebackgroundcolor" | "#424242" |
"checkselfietext" | "If the photo is clear, press CONTINUE." "Si la foto se ve bien, pulsa CONTINUAR." |
"checkselfietextcolor" | "#FFFFFF" |
"closebutton" | "NO" |
"closebuttonimage" | "undefined" |
"continuebuttonbackgroundcolor" | "#116466" |
"continuebuttonicon" | "undefined" |
"continuebuttontext" | "CONTINUE" "CONTINUAR" |
"continuebuttontextcolor" | "#FFFFFF" |
"deviceincorrectposition" | "<![CDATA[Hold the phone vertically in front of you]]>" <![CDATA[Pon el teléfono en vertical frente a ti]]> |
"facedetectednotcenteredcolor" | "#FC321E" |
"facedetectedokcolor" | "#3b9dd6" |
"faceshapeoval" | "YES" |
"facetightness" | "tight" |
"facing" | "front" |
"finaltutorialalertshow" | "YES" |
"fixedoval" | "YES" |
"infoalert" | "Automatic selfie. Center your face in the oval frame." "Selfie automático: centre su cara en el óvalo." |
"infoalertshow" | "YES" |
"infoalerttitle" | "" |
"informativetextcolor" | "#FFFFFF" |
"jwstoken" | "" |
"livephoto" | "NO" |
"loggerfactoryclass" | "" |
"mobileoval" | "NO" |
"mobileovalcolor" | "#00CC00" |
"orientationopacity" | "YES" |
"orientationbackgroundcolor" | "#CC00ECFF" |
"permissionrefused" | "Access to the device camera is needed for the capture and verification of the document and the user." "Se necesita tener acceso a la cámara del dispositivo para la captura y verificación del documento y del usuario." |
"permissionrefusedtitle" | "Required permission" "Permiso requerido" |
"popupvalidationbackgroundcolor" | "#AA000000" |
"popupvalidationtextcolor" | "#FFFFFF" |
"positivebuttontext" | "Continue" "Continuar" |
"qualitylevel" | "high" |
"repeatbuttonbackgroundcolor" | "#116466" |
"repeatbuttonicon" | "undefined" |
"repeatbuttontext" | "REPEAT" "REPETIR" |
"repeatbuttontextcolor" | "#FFFFFF" |
"searchingfacestepinstruction" | "<![CDATA[Now, place your face inside the frame and hold steady while we take a photo]]>" "<![CDATA[Antes de comenzar el proceso, lee estas sencillas instrucciones]]>" |
"selfiealiveshowarrows" | "YES" |
"selfiealiveshowgif" | "YES" |
"selfiealivearrowcolor" | "#1a5eb0" |
"selfiengaserroralertbuttontext" | "I GOT IT, CONTINUE" "ENTENDIDO, CONTINUAR" |
"selfiengaserroralertdescription" | "<![CDATA[Let\'s start the process again. After taking the photo, follow these instructions to validate. Make sure to be in a well lit environment without elements that cover your face.]]>" "<![CDATA[Vamos a empezar de nuevo el proceso. Después de sacar la foto, sigue estas instrucciones para hacer la validación. Asegúrate de estar en un entorno con luz y sin elementos que tapen tu cara.]]>" |
"selfiengaserroralertstep1" | "<![CDATA[1- Turn your head in the direction indicated]]>" "![CDATA[1- Gira la cabeza en la dirección indicada]]>" |
"selfiengaserroralertstep2" | "<![CDATA[2- You will hear a sound when you do it correctly]]>" "<![CDATA[2- Escucharás un sonido al hacer el giro correctamente]]>" |
"selfiengaserroralertstep3" | "<![CDATA[3- Look back at the center to continue]]>" "<![CDATA[3- Vuelve a mirar al centro para continuar]]>" |
"selfiengaserroralerttitle" | "Have any doubts?" "¿No sabes qué hacer?" |
"selfiengaserroralerttitlecolor" | "#1a5eb0" |
"selfiengastutorialdescription3" | "<![CDATA[You’ll be asked to turn your face in one direction. When the screen tells you that you have done it correctly (you will also hear a sound), look back at the center. We will repeat the process several times.]]>" "<![CDATA[Tendrás que girar la cara en una dirección. Cuando la pantalla te indique que lo has hecho correctamente (también oirás un sonido), vuelve a mirar al centro. Repetiremos el proceso varias veces.]]>" |
"selfiengastutorialstep3title" | "Follow the motion instructions" "Sigue las instrucciones de movimiento" |
"selfiesmiletutorialdescription3" | "We will ask you to smile as proof of life. We’ll take the photo automatically" "Te pediremos que sonrías como prueba de vida. La captura se realizará de forma automática" |
"selfiesmiletutorialstep3title" | "Hold steady and smile when prompted" "Mantén la mirada y sonríe cuando se indique" |
"selfietutorialbackgroundcolor" | "#ececec" |
"selfietutorialcontinuebuttonfirstgradientcolor" | "#3b9ed7" |
"selfietutorialcontinuebuttonsecondgradientcolor" | "#1a5db0" |
"selfietutorialcontinuebuttontext" | "START THE PROCESS" "COMENZAR EL PROCESO" |
"selfietutorialcontinuebuttontextcolor" | "#ffffff" |
"selfietutorialcurrentpointcolor" | "#1a5eb0" |
"selfietutorialdescription1" | "Make sure you have good lighting (natural lighting would be ideal)." "Asegúrate tener una buena iluminación (si es natural, mejor aún)." |
"selfietutorialdescription2" | "<![CDATA[Try to hold the phone as vertical as possible and look at it from the front. Avoid any element that covers your face (hair, mask, etc.)]]>" "<![CDATA[Procura que el teléfono esté lo más en vertical posible y míralo de frente. Evita elementos que te cubran la cara (el pelo, la mascarilla, etc.)]]>" |
"selfietutorialdescriptioncolor" | "#868686" |
"selfietutorialgeneraltitle" | "<![CDATA[Before starting the process, read these quick instructions]]>" "<![CDATA[Antes de comenzar el proceso, lee estas sencillas instrucciones]]>" |
"selfietutorialgeneraltitlecolor" | "#1a5eb0" |
"selfietutorialstep1title" | "Find the right place" "Busca el lugar adecuado" |
"selfietutorialstep2title" | "Hold the phone vertically" "Sujeta el telefono en vertical" |
"selfietutorialstepbuttonnexttext" | "Next" "Siguiente" |
"selfietutorialstepbuttonnexttextcolor" | "#1a5eb0" |
"selfietutorialstepbuttonprevioustext" | "Previous" "Anterior" |
"selfietutorialstepbuttonprevioustextcolor" | "#1a5eb0" |
"selfietutorialsteptitlecolor" | "#1a5eb0" |
"showselfie" | "YES" |
"showtutorial" | "YES" |
"smartselfie" | "YES" |
"smilerequestmoreserious" | "More serious!!" "¡¡Más serio!!" |
"smilerequestmoresmile" | "Smile more!!" "¡¡Sonría más!!" |
"smilerequestserious" | "And now... /nSerious" "Y ahora...\nSerio" |
"smilerequestseriousimage" | "undefined" |
"smilerequestsmile" | "And now... /nSmile" "Y ahora...\nSonría" |
"smilerequestsmileimage" | "undefined" |
"smiletimeout" | "YES" |
"smiletimeoutmessage" | "The process could not be completed. Try again later" "No se ha podido completar el proceso. Inténtelo de nuevo." |
"smiletimeoutseconds" | "10" |
"smilewarningseconds" | "5" |
"textbackgroundcolor" | "#AA000000" |
"tickcirclecolor" | "#FF424242" |
"tickcolor" | "#FFFFFFFF" |
"tickshow" | "YES" |
"userinfo" | "Please, check that your face is shown complete, with a natural expression and without any type of extra brightness or shadows" "Compruebe que su cara se muestra completa, con una expresión natural y sin ningún tipo de brillo o sombra" |
"veridaslogoshow" | "YES" |
Format texts¶
All the Strings can be formated by using HTML tags. If the String is stored in an XML file, the String should be in a CDATA section. A CDATA section starts with "<![CDATA[" and ends with "]]>".
To change the SDK font family, the SDK styles can be overwritten. These are the SDK styles:
General style
<style name="VDPhotoSelfieCaptureTheme.NoTitleNavBar" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
<item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>
<item name="windowActionBar">false</item>
<item name="android:windowFullscreen">true</item>
<item name="android:windowContentOverlay">@null</item>
<item name="android:statusBarColor" tools:targetApi="lollipop">@android:color/transparent</item>
<item name="android:windowTranslucentNavigation" tools:targetApi="kitkat">true</item>
<style name="VeridasDialog" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Dialog.Alert">
<item name="colorAccent">@color/dialogButton</item>
<item name="android:windowBackground">@color/transparent</item>
<item name="android:background">@color/dialogBackground</item>