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The SDK can be configured by providing a Map to the SDK. This map may contain or not the following keys/values, sorted alphabetically:

  • alertstyle : The style of alerts. ("black"/"white")
  • backgroundcolor : The face validation screen background color. ("#XXXXXX" a color in hexadecimal value)
  • bringcloserfacetext : The text instructing the user to bring their face closer to the camera.
  • centerfacetext : The text instructing the user to center their face in the oval.
  • challengebottomtext : The text indication for bottom movement.
  • challengecentertext : The text indication for center movement.
  • challengelefttext : The text indication for left movement.
  • challengerighttext : The text indication for right movement.
  • challengetoptext : The text indication for top movement.
  • checkselfiebackgroundcolor : The color of the background in the revision of the selfie photo.
  • checkselfietext : The text that is shown to inform the user in the revision of the selfie photo.
  • checkselfietextcolor : The color of the text that is shown to inform the user in the revision of the selfie photo.
  • closebutton : The existence of a button to close the SDK. ("YES"/"NO").
  • closebuttonimage : The name of the image for the close button, it should be stored in the app res/drawable folder
  • continuebuttonbackgroundcolor : The color of the continue button background in the validation screen ("#XXXXXX" a color in hexadecimal value).
  • continuebuttonicon : The name of the image for the continue button, it should be stored in the app res/drawable folder
  • continuebuttontext : The text of the continue button in the validation screen.
  • continuebuttontextcolor : The color of the continue button text in the validation screen ("#XXXXXX" a color in hexadecimal value).
  • deviceincorrectposition : The text indication when the device is in an incorrect position.
  • facedetectednotcenteredcolor: Fixed oval color when the face is detected but it is not centered ("#XXXXXX" a color in hexadecimal value).
  • facedetectedokcolor: Fixed oval color when the face is detected.
  • faceshapeoval: Whether the reference shape for the face should be an oval.
  • facetightness: The distance in which the face is detected. ("tight"/"loose")
  • facing : Camera to be used to take the picture. ("back"/"front").
  • finaltutorialalertshow : Whether the final error of the Selfie Alive Pro and Selfie Alive process must be shown or not. ("YES" / "NO")
  • fixedoval : Whether the fixed oval at the center of the screen must be shown or not. ("YES"/"NO")
  • infoalert : The text of the alert shown at the beginning of the capture.
  • infoalertshow: Whether the initial alert must be shown or not.("YES","NO")
  • infoalerttitle : The title of the alert showed at the beginning of the capture.
  • informativetextcolor : The color of the text of the informative label shown to the user. ("#XXXXXX" a color in hexadecimal value)
  • jwstoken : The token that defines the challenge in a Selfie Alive Pro process.
  • livephoto : Whether the SDK may ask the user to smile or not. "YES"/"NO".
  • loggerfactoryclass : The logger factory class which will create a logger instance.
  • mobileoval : Whether the following face surrounding oval must be shown or not. ("YES"/"NO")
  • mobileovalcolor : The color of the face surrounding oval. ("#XXXXXX" a color in hexadecimal value)
  • orientationopacity : Whether the SDK may change the opacity of the screen when the orientation is incorrect or not. ("YES"/"NO").
  • orientationbackgroundcolor : The color of the background when the orientation is incorrect not. ("#XXXXXX" a color in hexadecimal value)
  • permissionrefused : The text of the alert shown when the permission needed is not allowed.
  • permissionrefusedtitle : The title of the alert shown when the permission needed is not allowed.
  • popupvalidationbackgroundcolor :The background color of the text to show when the user hits the help button in the photo verification. ("#XXXXXX" a color in hexadecimal value)
  • popupvalidationtextcolor : The color of the text to show when the user hits the help button in the photo verification. ("#XXXXXX" a color in hexadecimal value)
  • positivebuttontext : The text of the all positive buttons.
  • qualitylevel: The quality level to which the image taken will be compressed. ("high"/"medium")
  • repeatbuttonbackgroundcolor : The color of the button of repeat and continue in the selfie photo verification.
  • repeatbuttonicon : The name of the image for the repeat button, it should be stored in the app res/drawable folder
  • repeatbuttontext : The text of the repeat button in the selfie photo verification.
  • repeatbuttontextcolor : The color of the repeat button text in the validation screen. ("#XXXXXX" a color in hexadecimal value)
  • searchingfacestepinstruction : The informative text in a selfie step process.
  • selfiealiveshowarrows : Whether the SDK may show the arrows to help the user to perform the movement. ("YES"/"NO")
  • selfiealiveshowgif : Whether the SDK may show the face gif to help the user to perform the movement. ("YES"/"NO")
  • selfiealivearrowcolor : The color of the arrow shown to help the user to perform the movement.
  • selfiengaserroralertbuttontext : The text to accept the error alert in a Selfie Alive Pro and Selfie Alive process.
  • selfiengaserroralertdescription : The description of the alert in a Selfie Alive Pro process.
  • selfiengaserroralertstep1 : The first step description of Selfie Alive Pro process in the error alert.
  • selfiengaserroralertstep2 : The second step description of Selfie Alive Pro process in the error alert.
  • selfiengaserroralertstep3 : The third step description of Selfie Alive Pro process in the error alert.
  • selfiengaserroralerttitle : The title of the error alert in a Selfie Alive and Selfie Alive Pro process.
  • selfiengaserroralerttitlecolor : The title color and the button color of the error alert in a Selfie Alive and Selfie Alive Pro process.
  • selfiengastutorialdescription3 : The third step description of Selfie Alive Pro process in the tutorial.
  • selfiengastutorialstep3title : The third step title of Selfie Alive Pro process in the tutorial.
  • selfiesmiletutorialdescription3 : The third step description of Selfie Alive with smile process in the tutorial.
  • selfiesmiletutorialstep3title : The third step title of Selfie Alive Smile process in the tutorial.
  • selfietutorialbackgroundcolor : The background color of the tutorial view.
  • selfietutorialcontinuebuttonfirstgradientcolor : The first gradient color of the continue button in the tutorial.
  • selfietutorialcontinuebuttonsecondgradientcolor : The second gradient color of the continue button in the tutorial.
  • selfietutorialcontinuebuttontext : The text shown in the continue button of the tutorial.
  • selfietutorialcontinuebuttontextcolor" : The color of the text shown in the continue button of the tutorial.
  • selfietutorialcurrentpointcolor : The color of the current slide point in the tutorial.
  • selfietutorialdescription1 : The first step description of Selfie process in the tutorial.
  • selfietutorialdescription2 : The second step description of Selfie process in the tutorial.
  • selfietutorialdescriptioncolor : The color of the tutorial descriptions in the tutorial slides.
  • selfietutorialgeneraltitle : The title of the tutorial.
  • selfietutorialgeneraltitlecolor : The title color of the tutorial.
  • selfietutorialstep1title : The first step title of Selfie process in the tutorial.
  • selfietutorialstep2title : The second step title of Selfie process in the tutorial.
  • selfietutorialstepbuttonnexttext : The text of the next button in the tutorial slides.
  • selfietutorialstepbuttonnexttextcolor : The color of the next button in the tutorial slides.
  • selfietutorialstepbuttonprevioustext : The text of the previous button in the tutorial slides.
  • selfietutorialstepbuttonprevioustextcolor : The color of the previous button in the tutorial slides.
  • selfietutorialsteptitlecolor : The color of the tutorial titles in the tutorial slides.
  • showselfie : Whether the SDK may show the selfie taken to verify it is correct. ("YES"/"NO").
  • showtutorial : Whether the initial tutorial has to be shown or not ("YES"/"NO").
  • smartselfie : Whether the photo selfie will help the user take a selfie in the correct position or not. ("YES"/"NO") If set to YES, capture is blocked until the user holds the device perpendicular to the ground. The screen shows a message accompanied with an image guiding the user on how to proceed.
  • smilerequestmoreserious : The text to ask the user to be more serious.
  • smilerequestmoresmile : The text to ask the user to smile more.
  • smilerequestserious : The text to ask the user to be serious.
  • smilerequestseriousimage: The name of the image with an serious face icon, it should be stored in the app res/drawable folder
  • smilerequestsmile : The text to ask the user to smile.
  • smilerequestsmileimage : The name of the image with an smile icon, it should be stored in the app res/drawable folder
  • smiletimeout : Whether the livephoto must have a timeout or not. ("YES"/"NO")
  • smiletimeoutmessage : The text to show when the timeout is triggered.
  • smiletimeoutseconds : Seconds in which the smiletimeout is triggered.
  • smilewarningseconds : Seconds in which the smilewarning is triggered.
  • textbackgroundcolor : The background color of texts which appears in capture screens or in the help sections. ("#XXXXXX" a color in hexadecimal value)
  • tickcirclecolor : Color of the circle of the tick image. Supported formats are: #RRGGBB #AARRGGBB 'red', 'blue', 'green', 'black', 'white', 'gray', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'lightgray', 'darkgray'.
  • tickcolor : Color of the tick of the tick image. Supported formats are: #RRGGBB #AARRGGBB 'red', 'blue', 'green', 'black', 'white', 'gray', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'lightgray', 'darkgray'.
  • tickshow : Whether the final tick must be shown or not. ("YES" / "NO")
  • userinfo : The text to show when the user hits the help button in the selfie photo verification section.
  • veridaslogoshow : Whether the veridas logo should be shown.

The default values for these keys are:

Key Default Value (en/es)
"alertstyle" "black"
"backgroundcolor" "#CC808080"
"bringcloserfacetext" "Get closer to the camera"
"centerfacetext" "Center your face in the oval"
"challengebottomtext" "Turn your face down"
"Gira la cara hacia abajo"
"challengecentertext" "¡Great! Look back to the center"
"¡Bien! Vuelve al centro"
"challengelefttext" "Turn your face to your left"
"Gira la cara hacia tu izquierda"
"challengerighttext" "Turn your face to your right"
"Gira la cara hacia tu derecha"
"challengetoptext" "Turn your face up"
"Gira la cara hacia arriba"
"checkselfiebackgroundcolor" "#424242"
"checkselfietext" "If the photo is clear, press CONTINUE."
"Si la foto se ve bien, pulsa CONTINUAR."
"checkselfietextcolor" "#FFFFFF"
"closebutton" "NO"
"closebuttonimage" "undefined"
"continuebuttonbackgroundcolor" "#116466"
"continuebuttonicon" "undefined"
"continuebuttontext" "CONTINUE"
"continuebuttontextcolor" "#FFFFFF"
"deviceincorrectposition" "<![CDATA[Hold the phone vertically in
front of you]]>"
<![CDATA[Pon el teléfono en vertical
frente a ti]]>
"facedetectednotcenteredcolor" "#FC321E"
"facedetectedokcolor" "#3b9dd6"
"faceshapeoval" "YES"
"facetightness" "tight"
"facing" "front"
"finaltutorialalertshow" "YES"
"fixedoval" "YES"
"infoalert" "Automatic selfie. Center your face in the oval frame."
"Selfie automático: centre su cara en el óvalo."
"infoalertshow" "YES"
"infoalerttitle" ""
"informativetextcolor" "#FFFFFF"
"jwstoken" ""
"livephoto" "NO"
"loggerfactoryclass" ""
"mobileoval" "NO"
"mobileovalcolor" "#00CC00"
"orientationopacity" "YES"
"orientationbackgroundcolor" "#CC00ECFF"
"permissionrefused" "Access to the device camera is needed for the capture and verification of the document and the user."
"Se necesita tener acceso a la cámara del dispositivo para la captura y verificación del documento y del usuario."
"permissionrefusedtitle" "Required permission"
"Permiso requerido"
"popupvalidationbackgroundcolor" "#AA000000"
"popupvalidationtextcolor" "#FFFFFF"
"positivebuttontext" "Continue"
"qualitylevel" "high"
"repeatbuttonbackgroundcolor" "#116466"
"repeatbuttonicon" "undefined"
"repeatbuttontext" "REPEAT"
"repeatbuttontextcolor" "#FFFFFF"
"searchingfacestepinstruction" "<![CDATA[Now, place your face inside the frame and hold steady while we take a photo]]>"
"<![CDATA[Antes de comenzar el proceso,
lee estas sencillas instrucciones]]>"
"selfiealiveshowarrows" "YES"
"selfiealiveshowgif" "YES"
"selfiealivearrowcolor" "#1a5eb0"
"selfiengaserroralertbuttontext" "I GOT IT, CONTINUE"
"selfiengaserroralertdescription" "<![CDATA[Let\'s start the process again. After taking the photo, follow these instructions to validate.
Make sure to be in a well lit environment without elements that cover your face.]]>"
"<![CDATA[Vamos a empezar de nuevo el proceso. Después de sacar la foto, sigue estas instrucciones para hacer la validación. Asegúrate de estar en un entorno con luz y sin elementos que tapen tu cara.]]>"
"selfiengaserroralertstep1" "<![CDATA[1- Turn your head in the direction indicated]]>"
"![CDATA[1- Gira la cabeza en la dirección indicada]]>"
"selfiengaserroralertstep2" "<![CDATA[2- You will hear a sound when you do it correctly]]>"
"<![CDATA[2- Escucharás un sonido al hacer el giro correctamente]]>"
"selfiengaserroralertstep3" "<![CDATA[3- Look back at the center to continue]]>"
"<![CDATA[3- Vuelve a mirar al centro para continuar]]>"
"selfiengaserroralerttitle" "Have any doubts?"
"¿No sabes qué hacer?"
"selfiengaserroralerttitlecolor" "#1a5eb0"
"selfiengastutorialdescription3" "<![CDATA[You’ll be asked to turn your face in one direction. When the screen tells you that you have done it correctly (you will also hear a sound), look back at the center.
We will repeat the process several times.]]>"
"<![CDATA[Tendrás que girar la cara en una dirección. Cuando la pantalla te indique que lo has hecho correctamente (también oirás un sonido), vuelve a mirar al centro.

Repetiremos el proceso varias veces.]]>"
"selfiengastutorialstep3title" "Follow the motion instructions"
"Sigue las instrucciones de movimiento"
"selfiesmiletutorialdescription3" "We will ask you to smile as proof of life. We’ll take the photo automatically"
"Te pediremos que sonrías como prueba de vida. La captura se realizará de forma automática"
"selfiesmiletutorialstep3title" "Hold steady and smile when prompted"
"Mantén la mirada y sonríe cuando se indique"
"selfietutorialbackgroundcolor" "#ececec"
"selfietutorialcontinuebuttonfirstgradientcolor" "#3b9ed7"
"selfietutorialcontinuebuttonsecondgradientcolor" "#1a5db0"
"selfietutorialcontinuebuttontext" "START THE PROCESS"
"selfietutorialcontinuebuttontextcolor" "#ffffff"
"selfietutorialcurrentpointcolor" "#1a5eb0"
"selfietutorialdescription1" "Make sure you have good lighting (natural lighting would be ideal)."
"Asegúrate tener una buena iluminación (si es natural, mejor aún)."
"selfietutorialdescription2" "<![CDATA[Try to hold the phone as vertical as possible and look at it from the front.
Avoid any element that covers your face (hair, mask, etc.)]]>"
"<![CDATA[Procura que el teléfono esté lo más en vertical posible y míralo de frente.

Evita elementos que te cubran la cara (el pelo, la mascarilla, etc.)]]>"
"selfietutorialdescriptioncolor" "#868686"
"selfietutorialgeneraltitle" "<![CDATA[Before starting the process,
read these quick instructions]]>"
"<![CDATA[Antes de comenzar el proceso,
lee estas sencillas instrucciones]]>"
"selfietutorialgeneraltitlecolor" "#1a5eb0"
"selfietutorialstep1title" "Find the right place"
"Busca el lugar adecuado"
"selfietutorialstep2title" "Hold the phone vertically"
"Sujeta el telefono en vertical"
"selfietutorialstepbuttonnexttext" "Next"
"selfietutorialstepbuttonnexttextcolor" "#1a5eb0"
"selfietutorialstepbuttonprevioustext" "Previous"
"selfietutorialstepbuttonprevioustextcolor" "#1a5eb0"
"selfietutorialsteptitlecolor" "#1a5eb0"
"showselfie" "YES"
"showtutorial" "YES"
"smartselfie" "YES"
"smilerequestmoreserious" "More serious!!"
"¡¡Más serio!!"
"smilerequestmoresmile" "Smile more!!"
"¡¡Sonría más!!"
"smilerequestserious" "And now... /nSerious"
"Y ahora...\nSerio"
"smilerequestseriousimage" "undefined"
"smilerequestsmile" "And now... /nSmile"
"Y ahora...\nSonría"
"smilerequestsmileimage" "undefined"
"smiletimeout" "YES"
"smiletimeoutmessage" "The process could not be completed. Try again later"
"No se ha podido completar el proceso. Inténtelo de nuevo."
"smiletimeoutseconds" "10"
"smilewarningseconds" "5"
"textbackgroundcolor" "#AA000000"
"tickcirclecolor" "#FF424242"
"tickcolor" "#FFFFFFFF"
"tickshow" "YES"
"userinfo" "Please, check that your face is shown complete, with a natural expression and without any type of extra brightness or shadows"
"Compruebe que su cara se muestra completa, con una expresión natural y sin ningún tipo de brillo o sombra"
"veridaslogoshow" "YES"

Format texts

All the Strings can be formated by using HTML tags. If the String is stored in an XML file, the String should be in a CDATA section. A CDATA section starts with "<![CDATA[" and ends with "]]>".


To change the SDK font family, the SDK styles can be overwritten. These are the SDK styles:

General style

<style name="VDPhotoSelfieCaptureTheme.NoTitleNavBar" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
        <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>
        <item name="windowActionBar">false</item>
        <item name="android:windowFullscreen">true</item>
        <item name="android:windowContentOverlay">@null</item>
        <item name="android:statusBarColor" tools:targetApi="lollipop">@android:color/transparent</item>
        <item name="android:windowTranslucentNavigation" tools:targetApi="kitkat">true</item>
Dialogs style
<style name="VeridasDialog" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Dialog.Alert">
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/dialogButton</item>
    <item name="android:windowBackground">@color/transparent</item>
    <item name="android:background">@color/dialogBackground</item>