Class that contains the main functions of the Framework.
Its the main class of this Framework. The public methods of this class are the ones used to make this Framework work.
+ (NSArray*) getConfigurationKeys
This method is used to ask for the SDK’s configuration keys.
- An array which contains the SDK configuration keys.
+ (NSString* _Nonnull) getVersion
This method is used to ask for the SDK’s version.
- A string which contains the SDK version.
+ (BOOL) isStarted
This method is used to ask the SDK if it is already running.
- Whether the SDK is running or not
+ (void) setChallenge: (NSString*) challenge
This method is used to set a challenge for Selfie Alive.
- challenge: Selfie Alive challenge.
+ (UIViewController*) startWithDelegate: (UIViewController<VDPhotoSelfieCaptureProtocol>*) delegate
This method is needed to use the SDK. It programs the delegate to which the SDK will notify the outputs.
- delegate: The instance to which the SDK will notify all its outputs.
- The UIViewController that is shown.
+ (UIViewController*) startWithDelegate: (UIViewController<VDDocumentCaptureProtocol>*) delegate andConfiguration: (NSDictionary*) config
This method is needed to use the SDK. It programs the delegate to which the SDK will notify the outputs.
- delegate: The instance to which the SDK will notify all its outputs.
- config: The configuration of the SDK.
- The UIViewController that is shown.
+ (void) stop
This method will stop the SDK and all its functionalities, so it needs to be started again. The SDK will not provide any more outputs after this method and the app flow will be given to the app.