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XpressID is a web application served over HTTPS, whose URL must be embedded in the iframe of the customer web site.

XpressID loading size

Depending on the flows chosen to be used on XPressID, the modules which need to be loaded will vary so the size of the data loaded will also be different. The following list indicates the size of the data which will be loaded for each flow.

Capture processes Size
document 6.4Mb
document + video 6.4Mb
document + selfie 11.2Mb
document + selfie + video 11.2Mb
selfie 7.9Mb

This loading is done once and then the browser caches this information.

Browser compatibility

XpressID has been designed to maximize compatibility and performance across a broad spectrum of devices and browsers. To see the entire browser compatibility specifications:

Desktop Browsers

Browser Name Minimum version Current version
Chrome 64 128
Firefox 69 130
Safari 13.1 17.5
Opera 51 113
Edge 79 128

Mobile and Tablets Browsers

Browser Name Platform Minimum version Current version
Chrome Android 64 128
Firefox Android 79 129
Edge Android 79 127
Opera Mobile Android 47 84.2
Samsung Internet Android 9.0 26
Chrome iOS 64 128
Firefox iOS 79 130
Edge iOS 79 128.27
Opera Mobile iOS 47 5.0.6
Safari iOS 13.4 17.5

Webview compatibility

The XpressID web is also compatible with Meta webviews, i.e. you can run it in Facebook and Instagram native apps for Android and iOS. To learn more about integrating WebViews with Android and iOS, visit the WebViews Integration section.

Webview Name iOS Android
Platform native webview