Input Parameters Guide¶
With this data it’s possible to customize texts, colors and some XpressID configuration parameters.
Type: JavaScript object
Default value: {}
Possible values: a JavaScript object with some of these parameters (It is recommended not to use the characters " and ' inside the string fields, use ` ´ ' " ′ ″ instead):
To configure the SDKs, please check the SDK HTML Capture Process - Configuration which shows the different configuration parameters for each SDK such as colours, texts, styles, errors and sample defaults.
Below are the configuration parameters for XpressID:
Setting | Description |
iframeShowErrorAlert | Boolean: Shows or hides an alert when an error occur during the process. Defaults to: true |
iframeErrorDocumentAnversoText | String: Text to display in alert when the obverse document process fails. Defaults to (EN): The analysis of the obverse of the document has failed. Please repeat the process Defaults to (ES): El análisis del anverso del documento ha fallado. Por favor, repita el proceso |
iframeErrorDocumentReverseText | String: Text to display in alert when the reverse document process fails. Defaults to (EN): The analysis of the reverse of the document has failed. Please repeat the process Defaults to (ES): El análisis del reverso del documento ha fallado. Por favor, repita el proceso |
iframeErrorSelfieText | String: Text to display in alert when the selfie process fails. Defaults to (EN): The face analysis has failed. Please repeat the process Defaults to (ES): El análisis de la cara ha fallado. Por favor, repita el proceso |
iframeErrorVideoText | String: Text to display in alert when the video process fails. Defaults to (EN): The video analysis has failed. Please repeat the process Defaults to (ES): El análisis del video ha fallado. Por favor, repita el proceso |
iframeErrorConnectionText | String: Text to display in alert when the connection with the cloud fails. Defaults to (EN): There has been a problem with the connection. Please repeat the process Defaults to (ES): Ha habido un problema con la conexión. Por favor, repita el proceso |
iframeLoaderColor | String: Border color of spinner between SDKs. Defaults to: #3C8DBC |
iframeLoaderBackgroundColor | String: Border color of background spinner between SDKs. Defaults to: #717171 |
iframeLoaderText | String: Text to display when information is being processed. Defaults to (EN): We are processing your information, please wait. Defaults to (ES): El proceso está en marcha. Espere unos instantes... |
iframeLoaderTextColor | String: Color text to display when information is being processed. Defaults to: #FFFFFF |
iframeBackgroundColor | String: Background color between SDKs. Defaults to: #2E2E2E |
iframeCheckText | String: Text in the final step. Defaults to (EN): The process has finished successfully. Defaults to (ES): El proceso ha finalizado correctamente. |
iframeCheckTextColor | String: Text color in the final step. Defaults to: #595959 |
iframeCheckBorderColor | String: Border color of check mark in the final step. Defaults to: #595959 |
iframeCheckTickColor | String: Check mark color in the final step. Defaults to: #595959 |
iframeLoadFinal | Boolean: Shows or hides the final step. "The process has finished successfully. Defaults to: true |
iframeErrorBrowserNotSupported | String: Text message displayed when there is a BrowserNotSupported error Defaults to (EN): Not supported browser. You must repeat the process: If you are on an iPhone you must use the Safari browser. In all other cases you can use Chrome, Firefox or Opera. Defaults to (ES): Navegador no compatible. Debe repetir el proceso: Si está en un iPhone debe emplear el navegador Safari. En el resto de casos puede usar Chrome, Firefox u Opera. |
iframeQrTitle | String: Text message displayed as title for the QR capture. Defaults to (EN): We need to verify your identity Defaults to (ES): Necesitamos verificar tu identidad |
iframeQrTitleLine1 | String: Text message displayed as a first subtitle for the QR capture. Defaults to (EN): For a seamless experience, we recommend that you complete the process from your mobile phone Defaults to (ES): Para que la experiencia sea perfecta, te recomendamos que realices el proceso desde tu móvil |
iframeQrTitleLine2 | String: Text message displayed as a second subtitle for the QR capture. Defaults to (EN): You can do this by scanning the QR code below Defaults to (ES): Puedes hacerlo escaneando el código QR que se muestra a continuación |
iframeButtonQrOnboarding | String: Text which acts as a link to indicate that the process will continue in the desktop device. Defaults to (EN): Continue on desktop Defaults to (ES): Continuar en escritorio |
iframeInitialColor | String A starting colour to create a gradient of background pain. Defaults to: #1a5db0 |
iframeEndColor | String A final colour to create a gradient of background pain. Defaults to: #3b9ed7 |
iframeTextColorQr | String The colour of the text acts on the parameters of "iframeQrTitle", "iframeQrTitleLine1" and "iframeQrTitleLine2" Defaults to: #ffffff |
iframeQrButtonBackgroundColor | String: Button background colour Defaults to: #ffffff |
iframeQrButtonTextColor | String: Button text colour Defaults to: #1a5db0 |
iframeQrInitialColor | String: A starting colour to create a gradient of background pain for QR screen process. This parameter takes precedence over iframeInitialColor. Defaults to: "#1a5db0" |
iframeQrEndColor | String: A final colour to create a gradient of background pain for QR screen process. This parameter takes precedence over iframeEndColor. Defaults to: "#3b9ed7" |
iframeSeldocTitleText | String Text message displayed as title of document selector widget Defaults to (EN): DOCUMENT SELECTION Defaults to (ES): SELECCIÓN DEL DOCUMENTO |
iframeSeldocSelectCountryText | String Text message displayed as country selection title Defaults to (EN): What country is your ID from? Defaults to (ES): ¿De qué país es tu documento? |
iframeSeldocSelectDocumentTypeText | String Text message displayed as document selection title Defaults to (EN): What kind of ID is it? Defaults to (ES): ¿Qué documento vas a leer? |
iframeSeldocLoadingText | String Text message displayed while loading document selector Defaults to (EN): Loading documents... Defaults to (ES): Cargando documentos... |
iframeSeldocBackgroundColor | String: The color of document selector frame background Defaults to: #ffffff |
iframeSeldocMainColor | String: Color applied to document selector title, loading text, separation lines, select frame and document types Defaults to: #1a5db0 |
iframeSeldocSecondaryColor | String: Color applied to the rest of document selector texts Defaults to: #000000 |
iframeSeldocInitialColor | String: A starting colour to create a gradient of background pain for document selection screen process. This parameter takes precedence over iframeInitialColor. Defaults to: "#1a5db0" |
iframeSeldocEndColor | String: A final colour to create a gradient of background pain for document selection screen process. This parameter takes precedence over iframeEndColor. Defaults to: "#3b9ed7" |
iframeImageBackground | String: This parameter expects a base64 image or an URL to an image. If it does not receive anything, it will not show anything. Applies in the document selector and in the Qr view. |
iframeAutoClassificationSelectorInitialColor | String: A starting colour to create a gradient of background pain for auto-classification selection screen process. This parameter takes precedence over iframeInitialColor. Defaults to: "#1a5db0" |
iframeAutoClassificationSelectorEndColor | String: A final colour to create a gradient of background pain for auto-classification selection screen process. This parameter takes precedence over iframeEndColor. Defaults to: "#3b9ed7" |
iframeAutoClassificationSelectorTitleText | String: Text message displayed as title Defaults to (EN): Choose one of these two options Defaults to (ES): Elige una de estas dos opciones |
iframeAutoClassificationBackgroundColor | String: The colour of auto-classification selector frame background Defaults to: #ffffff |
iframeAutoClassificationMainColor | String: Colour applied to auto-classification selector title, separation lines and icons Defaults to: #1269ce |
iframeAutoClassificationSecondaryColor | String: Colour applied to the rest of auto-classification selector texts Defaults to: #333333 |
infoAlertShowDocument | Boolean: This parameter allows to activate the alert information for the document capture ("infoAlertShow"). But if the "infoAlertShow" parameter is in use this value overrides the "infoAlertShowDocument" value. This is to be able to activate the alert individually for each capture process. Defaults to: false |
infoAlertShowSelfie | Boolean: This parameter allows to activate the alert information for the selfie capture ("infoAlertShow"). But if the "infoAlertShow" parameter is in use this value overrides the "infoAlertShowSelfie" value. This is to be able to activate the alert individually for each capture process. Defaults to: false |
infoAlertShowSelfieAlive | Boolean: This parameter allows to activate the alert information for the selfie alive capture ("infoAlertShow"). But if the "infoAlertShow" parameter is in use this value overrides the "infoAlertShowSelfieAlive" value. This is to be able to activate the alert individually for each capture process. Defaults to: false |
infoAlertShowVideo | Boolean: This parameter allows to activate the alert information for the video capture ("infoAlertShow"). But if the "infoAlertShow" parameter is in use this value overrides the "infoAlertShowVideo" value. This is to be able to activate the alert individually for each capture process. Defaults to: false |
detectionMessageBackgroundColorDocument (7) | String: This parameter allows to apply de background color of messages overlayed during the document detection process. But if the "detectionMessageBackgroundColor" parameter is in use this value overrides the "detectionMessageBackgroundColorDocument" value. This is to be able to activate the background color individually for each capture process. Defaults to: #424242 |
detectionMessageBackgroundColorVideo (6) | String: This parameter allows to apply de background color of messages overlayed during the video detection process. But if the "detectionMessageBackgroundColor" parameter is in use this value overrides the "detectionMessageBackgroundColorVideo" value. This is to be able to activate the background color individually for each capture process. Defaults to: #424242 |
detectionMessageTextColorDocument (7) | String: Text color of messages overlayed during the document detection process. But if the "detectionMessageTextColor" parameter is in use this value overrides the "detectionMessageTextColorDocument" value. This is to be able to activate the text color individually for each capture process. Defaults to: #FFFFFF |
detectionMessageTextColorVideo (7) | String: Text color of messages overlayed during the video detection process. But if the "detectionMessageTextColor" parameter is in use this value overrides the "detectionMessageTextColorVideo" value. This is to be able to activate the text color individually for each capture process. Defaults to: #FFFFFF |
infoReviewImageTextDocument | String: This parameter allows to configure text to display to let the user review the captured image only for document process. Defaults to: "Check if the photo is readable and focused" |
infoReviewImageTextSelfieAlive | String: This parameter allows to configure text to display to let the user review the captured image only for selfiealive process. Defaults to: "Check that the face looks complete and with a natural expression " |
infoReviewImageTextSelfie | String: This parameter allows to configure text to display to let the user review the captured image only for selfie process. Defaults to: "Check that the face looks complete and with a natural expression " |
configData: {
continueText: "Continue",
repeatText: "Repeat",
confirmationDialogLinkTextColor: "#00a9d1",
confirmationDialogButtonBackgroundColor: "#00a9d1"