SDK HTML Capture Process - Configuration¶
There is a list of the different customizable parameters of the SDK
Document SDK Configuration¶
- blurDetectorActive (Boolean) -> Whether to use a blur detector when document image has been captured.
- detectionTimeout (Number) -> Duration in milliseconds after which the sdk should stop recording and shut down. Max is 300000, min 60000.
- logEventsToConsole (Boolean) -> Whether or not to log events (camera start, etc) to the console.
- manualCaptureEnableDelay (Number) -> Duration in milliseconds after which VDDocument allows manual capture by touch or click event.
Text Configuration¶
- continueText (String) -> Label for the button that allows the user to click and move to the next stage.
- infoAlertSingleSidedDocument (String) -> Text of "heads-up" dialog warning the user that detection of one-sided document is about to start.
- infoAlertTwoSidedDocument (String) -> Text of "heads-up" dialog warning the user that detection of two-sided document is about to start.
- infoReviewBlurImageText (String) -> Text to display to let the user know about blurriness in the captured image.
- infoReviewImageText (String) -> Text to display to let the user review the captured image.
- manualCaptureText (String) -> Text to let the user know that capture can be triggered manually, on desktops and laptop devices.
- manualCaptureTextMobile (String) -> Text to let the user know that capture can be triggered manually, on mobile devices.
- obverseNotFoundText (String) -> Text with instructions to user during detection of obverse of document.
- reverseNotFoundText (String) -> Text with instructions to user during detection of reverse of document.
- passportNotFoundText (String) -> Instructions to user during detection of passport.
- passportMRZError (String) -> Text to display when many characters of MRZ passport are not visible.
- repeatText (String) -> Label for the button that allows the user to repeat detection, if the captured image was not clear.
- fontSize (Number) -> Set a number that will represent the percent of the calculated font size, if the number is positive it will increase the font size that porcentage, but if it is negative it will decrease it.
Style Configuration¶
- borderColorCenteringAidDefault (String) -> Border color of the centering aid, when detection is active but no document is being "seen" yet.
- borderColorCenteringAidDetecting (String) -> Border color of the centering aid, when a document is being "seen".
- borderColorCenteringAidDetectingSuccess (String) -> Border color of the centering aid, when a document has been successfully captured.
- borderColorCenteringAidInactive (String) -> Border color of the centering aid, before detection process starts, or when the sdk asks for the device to be used in portrait mode.
- confirmationColorTick (String) -> Tick color icon when capture success.
- confirmationDialogBackgroundColor (String) -> Background color of confirmation dialogs.
- confirmationDialogButtonBackgroundColor (String) -> Background color of buttons in confirmation dialogs.
- confirmationCaptureButtonBackgroundColor (String) -> Background color of button in confirmation capture dialog.
- confirmationDialogButtonTextColor (String) -> Text color of buttons in confirmation dialogs.
- confirmationDialogLinkTextColor (String) -> Text color of buttons that look like links in confirmation dialogs.
- confirmationDialogTextColor (String) -> Text color of confirmation dialogs.
- confirmationDialogButtonPadding (string) -> Padding of buttons in confirmation dialogs.
- confirmationRepeatButtonTextColor (String) -> Text color of repeat button in capture confirmation dialog.
- confirmationRepeatButtonBackgroundColor (String) -> Background color of repeat button in capture confirmation dialog.
- confirmationRepeatButtonPadding (String) -> Padding of repeat button in capture confirmation dialog.
- confirmationCaptureButtonTextColor (String) -> Text color of continue button in capture confirmation dialog.
- confirmationCaptureButtonBackgroundColor (String) -> Background color of continue button in capture confirmation dialog.
- confirmationCaptureButtonPadding (String) -> Padding of continue button in capture confirmation dialog.
- detectionMessageBackgroundColor (String) -> Background color of messages overlayed during the detection process.
- detectionMessageTextColor (String) -> Text color of messages overlayed during the detection process.
- infoAlertShow (Boolean) -> Whether to display a "heads-up" confirmation dialog warning detection is about to start.
- infoModalShow (Boolean) -> Whether to display a modal helper dialog to explain the user the needed actions to success within the authentication process.
- isInfoModalShow (Boolean) -> Display button that allow to Display a Info user Modal with steps instrucctions.
- infoUserSliderButtonText (String) -> Label for continue button in help user modal.
- infoUserDocumentTitle (String) -> Config title document help user modal.
- infoUserImagesPath (String) -> Config path with the icons for help user modal By default are used internal icons.
- infoUserDocumentMedia (String) -> Config icon fileName to display at document help user modal.
- infoUserDocumentBackgroundColorTop (String) -> Config background color top document help user modal.
- infoUserDocumentBackgroundColor (String) -> Config background color document help user modal.
- infoUserDocumentTextColor (String) -> Config text color document help user modal.
- infoUserDocumentBorderColor (String) -> Config border color document help user modal.
- infoUserDocumentFontSize (Number) -> Set a number that will increase (positive) or decrease (negative) the font size of title document help user modal.
- infoUserDocumentBackgroundColorButton (String) -> Config button background color document help user modal.
- infoUserDocumentTextColorButton (String) -> Config button text color document help user modal.
- infoUserDocumentPaddingButton (String) -> Config button padding document help user modal.
- outerGlowCenteringAidDefault (String) -> Color of the translucent area surrounding the border of the centering aid, when detection is active but no document is being detected yet.
- outerGlowCenteringAidDetecting (String) -> Color of the translucent area surrounding the border of the centering aid, when a document is being detected.
- reviewImage (Boolean) -> Whether to display a confirmation dialog displaying the captured image, for the user to have a choice between continuing to the next step or redoing capture.
- sdkBackgroundColorInactive (String) -> Background color of the sdk before detection starts.
- firstArrow (String) -> Color of the first arrow display when smart document is detected.
- secondArrow (String) -> Color of the second arrow display when smart document is detected.
- thirdArrow (String) -> Color of the third arrow display when smart document is detected.
- fourthArrow (String) -> Color of the fourth arrow display when smart document is detected.
- fifthArrow (String) -> Color of the fifth arrow display when smart document is detected.
- docCaptureVerticalPortraitMode (Boolean) -> Allow capture vertical without landscape orientation.
- loadingSpinnerColor (String) -> Loading spinner color.
- loadingSpinnerScreenBackgroundColor (String) -> Loading spinner screen background color.
- showLogo (boolean) -> Display logo.
- customLogo (string) -> Path of the logo.
- detectionStageCustomLogo (string) -> Path of the detection stage logo.
Error Configuration¶
- permissionRefused (String) -> Warning to display to user if the browser is blocking the SDK from accessing the media device.
- permissionRefusedTitle (String) -> Title of warning to user if the browser is blocking the SDK from accessing the media device
- videoErrorConstraint (String) -> Error to display to user if media constraint is not correct.
- videoErrorConstraintActionLabel (String) -> Text label button to display if media constraint is not correct.
- videoErrorDefault (String) -> Error to display to user if there is a media default error.
- videoErrorDefaultActionLabel (String) -> Text label button to display if there is a media default error.
- videoErrorNotFound (String) -> Error to display to user if media device is not found.
- videoErrorNotFoundActionLabel (String) -> Text label button to display if media device is not found.
- videoErrorPermission (String) -> Error to display to user if media does not have permission.
- videoErrorPermissionActionLabel (String) -> Text label button to display if media does not have permission.
- videoErrorUnavailable (String) -> Error to display to user if media device is unavailable.
- videoErrorUnavailableActionLabel (String) -> Text label button to display if media device is unavailable.
- webrtcUnsupportedText (String) -> Text to display to the user if webRTC is not supported on the user’s browser. This message will only be visible if displayErrors is set to true.
- tooFarText (String) -> Instructions to user during detection when document is detected too far.
- tooCloseText (String) -> Instructions to user during detection when document is detected too close.
Customization Examples¶
Default Values¶
The number inside () on each row corresponds with an example in Customization Examples section.
Parameter | Value |
blurDetectorActive | false |
detectionTimeout | 300000 |
logEventsToConsole | false |
manualCaptureEnableDelay | 3000 |
continueText (13) | CONTINUE CONTINUAR |
infoAlertSingleSidedDocument (15) | A picture will be taken of the FRONT Se tomará una foto del anverso |
infoAlertTwoSidedDocument (15) | The FRONT and BACK of the document will be captured Se fotografiará el anverso y reverso |
infoReviewBlurImageText (11) | It seems that the photo is blurred Please repeat the process Parece que la foto está borrosa. Por favor, repita el proceso |
infoReviewImageText (11) | Check if the photo is readable and focused Comprueba que la foto es legible y está bien enfocada |
manualCaptureText (7) | CLICK HERE to capture Haga CLICK AQUÍ para capturar |
manualCaptureTextMobile (7) | Touch the screen to capture Toque la imagen para capturar |
obverseNotFoundText (7) | Fit the FRONT of the document Encaje la parte DELANTERA |
reverseNotFoundText (7) | Fit the BACK of the document Encaje la parte TRASERA |
passportNotFoundText (7) | Fit the passport in the frame Encaje la página del pasaporte |
passportMRZError (7) | Check that the two bottom lines are fully visible Comprueba que las dos líneas de texto inferiores son totalmente visibles |
repeatText (12) | REPEAT QUIERO REPETIR |
fontSize | 1 |
borderColorCenteringAidDefault (6) | #FFFFFF |
borderColorCenteringAidDetecting (8) | #00FF00 |
borderColorCenteringAidDetectingSuccess (8) | #FFFFFF |
borderColorCenteringAidInactive (14) | #717171 |
confirmationColorTick (9) | #737373 |
confirmationDialogBackgroundColor (10) | #4D4B4E |
confirmationDialogButtonBackgroundColor | #12676F |
confirmationCaptureButtonBackgroundColor (13) | #26BAB8 |
confirmationDialogButtonTextColor (13) | #FFFFFF |
confirmationDialogLinkTextColor (12) | #26BAB8 |
confirmationDialogTextColor (11) | #FFFFFF |
confirmationDialogButtonPadding | 0 |
confirmationRepeatButtonTextColor (12) | #26BAB8 |
confirmationRepeatButtonBackgroundColor (12) | transparent |
confirmationRepeatButtonPadding (12) | 0 |
confirmationCaptureButtonTextColor (13) | #FFFFFF |
confirmationCaptureButtonBackgroundColor (13) | #26BAB8 |
confirmationCaptureButtonPadding (13) | 30px 5px |
detectionMessageBackgroundColor (7) | #424242 |
detectionMessageTextColor (7) | #FFFFFF |
infoAlertShow | true |
infoUserImagesPath | '' |
infoModalShow | true |
isInfoModalShow | false |
infoUserSliderButtonText (4) | Start Empezar |
infoUserDocumentBackgroundColor (5) | #E4F6F6 |
infoUserDocumentTextColor (3) | #0E4645 |
infoUserDocumentBorderColor | #26BAB8 |
infoUserDocumentFontSize | 1 |
infoUserDocumentBackgroundColorButton (4) | #26BAB8 |
infoUserDocumentTextColorButton (4) | #051717 |
infoUserDocumentPaddingButton (4) | 8px 15px |
infoUserDocumentBackgroundColorTop (1) | #26BAB8 |
infoUserDocumentMedia (2) | helpIconDocumentCenter |
infoUserDocumentTitle (3) | 1. CENTER your document in the frame 2. Make sure your image DOES NOT show glare or shadow 3. The photo will be captured AUTOMATICALLY 1. CENTRE su documento en el marco 2. Asegúrese de que su documento NO muestra brillos o sombras. 3. La fotografía se capturará de forma AUTOMÁTICA |
outerGlowCenteringAidDefault | #000000 |
outerGlowCenteringAidDetecting (8) | #001C00 |
reviewImage | true |
sdkBackgroundColorInactive (21) | #2E2E2E |
displayErrors | false |
permissionRefused (18) | It is necessary to allow access to the camera to capture and verify the document and the user Se necesita tener acceso a la cámara del dispositivo para la captura y verificación del documento y del usuario |
permissionRefusedTitle | '' |
videoErrorConstraint (18) | Please check that the device has a camera with a minimum resolution of 640 x 480. Por favor, compruebe que el dispositivo dispone de cámara de resolución mínima 640 x 480. |
videoErrorConstraintActionLabel (19) | Retry Reintentar |
videoErrorDefault (18) | Sorry, there was an error starting the camera Lo sentimos, se ha producido un error iniciando la cámara |
videoErrorDefaultActionLabel (19) | Retry Reintentar |
videoErrorNotFound (18) | Please check that the device has a camera Por favor, compruebe que el dispositivo dispone de cámara |
videoErrorNotFoundActionLabel (19) | Retry Reintentar |
videoErrorPermission (18) | Please allow the page to access the camera Por favor, permita a la página acceso a la cámara |
videoErrorPermissionActionLabel (19) | Retry Reintentar |
videoErrorUnavailable (18) | Please check that the device camera is not being used by another program Por favor, compruebe que la cámara del dispositivo no está siendo usada por otro programa |
videoErrorUnavailableActionLabel (19) | Retry Reintentar |
firstArrow (20) | #e6f4ff |
secondArrow (20) | #b3deff |
thirdArrow (20) | #80c8ff |
fourthArrow (20) | #33a7ff |
fifthArrow (20) | #0082e6 |
webrtcUnsupportedText (18) | Not supported browser. You must repeat the process: If you are on an iPhone you must use the Safari browser. In all other cases you can use Chrome, Firefox or Opera Navegador no compatible. Debe repetir el proceso: si está en un iPhone debe emplear el navegador Safari. En el resto de casos puede usar Chrome, Firefox u Opera |
docCaptureVerticalPortraitMode | false |
loadingSpinnerColor | #FFFF |
loadingSpinnerScreenBackgroundColor | #4D4B4E |
tooFarText | Too Far Demasiado Lejos |
tooCloseText | Too Close Demasiado Cerca |
showLogo | false |
customLogo | '' |
detectionStageCustomLogo | '' |
Selfie Alive PRO SDK Configuration¶
- webrtcUnsupportedText (string) -> Text to display to the user if webRTC is not supported on the user’s browser.This message will only be visible if displayErrors is enabled.
- infoAlertShow (boolean) -> Whether to display a "heads-up" confirmation dialog warning detection is about to start
- smileRequestSmile (string) -> Text displayed during the smile request in selfie Alive.
- stepChallenge (string) -> Text displayed in current step challenge in selfie Alive.
- smileRequestSerious (string) -> Text displayed during the serious request in selfie Alive.
- fitYourFace (string) -> Text displayed previously to start the face detection.
- infoReviewImageText (string) -> Text to display to let the user review the captured image
- setLandscapeDeviceMessage (string) -> Text to display to let the user rotate the device in landscape mode
- setPortraitDeviceMessage (string) -> Text to display to let the user rotate the device in portrait mode
- setMessageDisplayMargin (string) -> Margin to display the messages
- stepOfChallenge (string) -> Text displayed total steps challenge in selfie Alive.
- setMessageDisplayHeight (string) -> Container height to display the messages
- setMessageDisplayOpacity (string) -> Container opacity to display the messages
- setMessageDisplayPosition (string) -> Position to display the messages
- setMessageDisplayPadding (string) -> Padding to display the messages
- setMessageDisplayWidth (string) -> Container width to display the messages
- detectionTimeout (number) -> Duration in milliseconds after which the sdk should stop recording and shut down. Max is 300000, min 60000
- repeatText (string) -> Label for the button that allows the user to click and repeat detection, if the captured image was defective
- reviewImage (boolean) -> Whether to display a confirmation dialog showing the captured image, for the user to continue or repeat detection
- continueText (string) -> Label for the button that allows the user to click and move to the next stage
- message_alive_light (string) -> Message to ask the user to move his/her face
- message_alive_bold (string) -> Bold message to get the user attention
- message_middle_center (string) -> Message to ask the user to look to the center
- message_finish_challenge (string) -> Message to ask the user to look to the center
- restartingErrorText (string) -> Message to tell the user to repeat the process
- logEventsToConsole (boolean) -> Whether or not tol log events (camera start, etc) to the console
- sdkBackgroundColorInactive (string) -> Background color of the sdk before detection starts
- borderColorCenteringAidInactive (string) -> Border color of the centering aid, before detection process starts
- ngas_images_path (string) -> URL path append to images NGAS ( head gifs )
- borderColorCenteringAidDetecting (string) -> Border color of the centering aid, when a document is being "seen"
- borderColorCenteringAidFaceDetecting (string) -> Border opacity color the centering aid, when face is "detected"
- detectionMessageTextColorSelfie (string) -> Text color of messages overlayed while SDK is actively trying to capture a target.
- detectionMessageBackgroundColorSelfie (string) -> Background color of messages overlayed while SDK is actively trying to capture a target.
- detectionMessageBorderRadius (string) -> Set custom message box border radius values.
- detectionMessageLineHeight (string) -> Font weight used to display the messages.
- confirmationDialogBackgroundColor (string) -> Background color of confirmation dialogs
- detectionMessageFontWeight (string) -> Font weight used to display the messages.
- confirmationDialogTextColor (string) -> Text color of confirmation dialogs
- showSpinner (boolean) -> Show spinner after face detection
- confirmationColorTick (string) -> Tick color icon when capture success
- customConfirmationImageTick (string) -> Tick image icon path used when capture success
- loadingSpinnerColor (string) -> Loading spinner color
- errorDisplayTextColor (string) -> Text color of error display
- errorDisplayHeaderTextColor (string) -> Text color of error header display
- errorDisplayHeaderBackgroundColor (string) -> Background color of error header display
- errorDisplayBackgroundColor (string) -> Background color of error display
- errorActionButtonBackgroundColor (string) -> Background color of error header display
- errorDisplayHeaderTitle (string) -> Label for the header title in window error message
- infoModalShow (boolean) -> Display a Info user Modal with steps instrucctions
- isInfoModalShow (boolean) -> Display button that allow to Display a Info user Modal with steps instrucctions
- errorActionButtonTextColor (string) -> Text color of error header display
- errorDisplayUserActionShow (boolean) -> Display user action in window error message
- infoUserImagesPath (string) -> URL path append to slide help images ( set empty if slider images have full URL )
- infoUserAliveHeaderColor (string) -> Config color on header text Slider
- infoUserAliveHeader (string) -> Config text on header in alive slides
- infoUserAliveTitleColor (string) -> Config color on title text Slider
- infoUserAliveSubTitle (array (1 to 3 elements)) -> Config subtitle alive help user modal
- infoUserAliveSubTitleColor (string) -> Config color on subTitle text Slider
- infoUserAliveMedia (array (1 to 3 elements)) -> Config image alive help user Slider
- infoUserAliveBackgroundColor (string) -> Config background color alive help user Slider
- infoUserAliveColorButton (string) -> Config Submit button background color in alive help user Slider
- infoUserAliveTitle (array (1 to 3 elements)) -> Config title alive help user modal
- infoUserAliveButtonText (string) -> Config text on Alive help user Slider submit button
- infoUserAliveNextButtonText (string) -> Config text on Alive help user Slider next button
- infoUserAliveNextButtonColor (string) -> Config text color on Alive help user Slider next button
- infoUserAlivePrevButtonColor (string) -> Config text color on Alive help user Slider prev button.
- infoUserAlivePrevButtonText (string) -> Config text on Alive help user Slider prev button
- videoErrorNotFound (string) -> Error to display to user if media device is not found
- videoErrorUnavailable (string) -> Error to display to user if media device is unavailable
- videoErrorPermission (string) -> Error to display to user if media does not have permission
- videoErrorConstraint (string) -> Error to display to user if media constraint is not correct
- videoErrorDefault (string) -> Error to display to user if there is a media default error
- videoErrorExternalInput (string) -> Error to display to user if a virtual camera is the input device
- videoErrorUnavailableActionLabel (string) -> Text label button to display if media device is unavailable
- videoErrorPermissionActionLabel (string) -> Text label button to display if media does not have permission
- videoErrorConstraintActionLabel (string) -> Text label button to display if media constraint is not correct
- videoErrorExternalInputLabel (string) -> Text label button to display if input device is virtual camera
- customOvalBorderRadius (string) -> Set custom oval face shape border radius values.
- borderThickness (number) -> Set custom line shape border thickness value.
- fontSize (number) -> Set custom size for all fonts by % of default fontSize calculated.
- customOval (boolean) -> Set custom oval option.
- outerGlowCenteringAidDefault (string) -> Color of the translucid area surrounding the border of the centering aid, when detection is active but no target is being "seen".
- outerGlowCenteringAidDetecting (string) -> Color of the translucid area surrounding the border of the centering aid, when a target is being "seen".
- continueButtonColor (string) -> Color for the button that allows the user to click and move to the next stage.
- buttonBackgroundColorLight (string) -> Light color for continue button degraded style.
- buttonBackgroundColorDark (string) -> Dark color for continue button degraded style.
- buttonBackgroundColorLightRepeat (string) -> Light color for repeat button degraded style.
- buttonBackgroundColorDarkRepeat (string) -> Dark color for repeat button degraded style.
- repeatButtonColor (string) -> Color for the button that allows the user to click and move to the previous stage.
- stepsChallengeColor (string) -> Color of steps in alive challenge.
- not_move (string) -> Text displayed to stay face in the middle.
- center_face (string) -> Text displayed to center your face in the middle.
- showLogo (boolean) -> Display veridas logo.
- customLogo (string) -> Path of the logo.
- detectionStageCustomLogo (string) -> Path of the detection stage logo.
Customization Examples¶
Default Values¶
Parameter | Value |
webrtcUnsupportedText | Not supported browser. You must repeat the process: If you are on an iPhone you must use the Safari browser. In all other cases you can use Chrome, Firefox or Opera. Navegador no compatible. Debe repetir el proceso: Si está en un iPhone debe emplear el navegador Safari. En el resto de casos puede usar Chrome, Firefox u Opera. |
infoAlertShow | true |
smileRequestSmile (8) | Smile Sonría |
infoReviewImageText (14) | Check that the face looks complete and with a natural expression Revisa que la cara se ve completa y con una expresión natural |
stepChallenge (11) | Step Paso |
smileRequestSerious (8) | Not smile No sonría |
stepOfChallenge (11) | of de |
setLandscapeDeviceMessage | Please, hold the device in landscape mode Por favor, ponga el dispositivo horizontal |
fitYourFace (8) | Now, place your face inside the frame and hold steady while we take a photo Ahora, encaja tu cara en el marco y mantente estable mientras tomamos una foto |
setPortraitDeviceMessage | Please, hold the device in portrait mode Por favor, ponga el dispositivo vertical |
setMessageDisplayHeight (8) | 15% |
setMessageDisplayMargin (8) | 0 auto |
setMessageDisplayOpacity (8) | 1 |
setMessageDisplayWidth (8) | 90% |
setMessageDisplayPosition (8) | auto |
setMessageDisplayPadding (8) | 5px |
detectionTimeout | 300000 |
repeatText (15) | REPEAT QUIERO REPETIR |
reviewImage | true |
continueText (16) | CONTINUE CONTINUAR |
message_middle_center (9) | Great! Look back at the center ¡Bien! Vuelve al centro |
message_finish_challenge (9) | Great! ¡Bien! |
message_alive_bold (9) | SLOWLY LENTAMENTE |
message_alive_light (9) | Move your head Mueva la cabeza |
restartingErrorText (23) | The process could not be completed. Please repeat the validation. No se ha podido completar el proceso. Por favor, repita la validación. |
ngas_images_path (10) | /public/gifs/ |
logEventsToConsole | false |
sdkBackgroundColorInactive | #2E2E2E |
borderColorCenteringAidInactive (7) | #DA270C |
borderColorCenteringAidDetecting (7) | #3B9DD6 |
borderColorCenteringAidFaceDetecting (7) | 77 |
detectionMessageTextColorSelfie (8, 9, 23) | #1A5EB0 |
detectionMessageBackgroundColorSelfie (8, 9, 23) | #FFF |
detectionMessageBorderRadius (8) | 16px |
detectionMessageFontWeight (8) | normal |
detectionMessageLineHeight (8) | normal |
confirmationDialogBackgroundColor (17) | #FFFFFF |
confirmationDialogTextColor (14) | #1A5EB0 |
showSpinner | true |
customConfirmationImageTick | |
loadingSpinnerColor (12) | #FFFFFF |
confirmationColorTick (13) | #1a5eb0 |
errorDisplayHeaderBackgroundColor (21) | #559ec9 |
errorDisplayHeaderTextColor (18) | #FFFFFF |
errorActionButtonBackgroundColor (20) | transparent |
errorDisplayBackgroundColor (21) | #4D4B4E |
errorDisplayTextColor (19) | #FFFFFF |
errorActionButtonTextColor (20) | #FFFFFF |
errorDisplayUserActionShow | true |
errorDisplayHeaderTitle (21) | |
isInfoModalShow | false |
infoModalShow | true |
infoUserAliveHeader (1) | Before starting the process, read these quick instructions Antes de comenzar el proceso, lee estas sencillas instrucciones |
infoUserAliveHeaderColor (1) | #1a5eb0 |
infoUserAliveTitle (3) | ['Follow the motion instructions'] ['Sigue las instrucciones de movimiento'] |
infoUserAliveSubTitle (4) | ['1. Fit your face into the frame and wait the countdown. 2. Move your head slightly in one direction. 3. When the screen tells you that you have done it correctly, look back at the center. 4. The process will be repeated 2 times.'] ['1. Encaja la cara en el marco y espera a la cuenta atrás. 2. Mueva la cabeza ligeramente en la dirección que te indiquen las flechas. 3. Cuando la pantalla te indique que lo has hecho correctamente, vuelve a mirar al centro. 4. Repite el proceso 2 veces.'] |
infoUserAliveBackgroundColor (2) | #FFFFFF |
infoUserAliveMedia (2) | ['slide03'] |
infoUserAliveColorButton (6) | linear-gradient(to right, #005db4, #009edd 100%) |
infoUserAliveNextButtonText (5) | Next Siguiente |
infoUserAliveNextButtonColor (5) | #1a5eb0 |
infoUserAlivePrevButtonText (5) | Previous Anterior |
infoUserAlivePrevButtonColor (5) | #1a5eb0 |
infoUserAliveTitleColor (3) | #1a5eb0 |
infoUserAliveSubTitleColor (4) | #868686 |
videoErrorUnavailable (19) | Please check that the device camera is not being used by another program Por favor, compruebe que la cámara del dispositivo no está siendo usada por otro programa |
videoErrorNotFound (19) | Please check that the device has a camera Por favor, compruebe que el dispositivo dispone de cámara |
videoErrorConstraint (19) | Please check that the device has a camera with a minimum resolution of 640 x 480 Por favor, compruebe que el dispositivo dispone de cámara de resolución mínima 640 x 480 |
videoErrorExternalInput (19) | Please check that you do not have any software simulating the camera Por favor, compruebe que no tiene ningún software simulando la cámara |
videoErrorDefault (19) | Sorry, there was an error starting the camera Lo sentimos, se ha producido un error iniciando la cámara |
videoErrorPermission (19) | Please allow the page to access the camera Por favor, permita a la página acceso a la cámara |
videoErrorUnavailableActionLabel (20) | Retry Reintentar |
videoErrorConstraintActionLabel (20) | Retry Reintentar |
videoErrorPermissionActionLabel (20) | Retry Reintentar |
videoErrorExternalInputLabel (20) | Retry Reintentar |
customOvalBorderRadius | 51% 49% 49% 51% / 33% 32% 68% 67% |
customOval | false |
borderThickness | 6 |
fontSize | 0 |
outerGlowCenteringAidDefault (22) | #000000 |
outerGlowCenteringAidDetecting (22) | #001C00 |
continueButtonColor (16, 24) | #FFFFFF |
buttonBackgroundColorLight (16, 24) | #3B9ED7 |
buttonBackgroundColorDark (16, 24) | #1A5EB0 |
buttonBackgroundColorLightRepeat (15) | #FFFFFF |
buttonBackgroundColorDarkRepeat (15) | #FFFFFF |
repeatButtonColor (15) | #1A5EB0 |
stepsChallengeColor (11) | #1A5EB0 |
not_move (8) | Hold steady Mantente estable |
center_face (8) | Center your face Centra su cara |
showLogo | false |
customLogo | '' |
detectionStageCustomLogo | '' |
Video SDK Configuration¶
- webrtcUnsupportedText (string) -> Text to display to the user if webRTC is not supported on the user’s browser. This message will only be visible if displayErrors is enabled.
- displayErrors (boolean) -> Whether to see errors in the UI.
- displayDetectionCanvas (boolean) -> Whether to see the detection canvas in the UI (do not document - dev only)
- infoAlertShow (boolean) -> Whether to display a "heads-up" confirmation dialog warning detection is about to start.
- infoFaceRecordingRandomNumber (string) -> Text displayed during the face recording step when token is available.
- infoFaceRecording (string) -> Text displayed during the face recording step.
- infoReverseRecording (string) -> Text displayed during the reverse recording step.
- infoObverseRecording (string) -> Text displayed during the obverse recording step.
- setLandscapeDeviceMessage (string) -> Text to display to let the user rotate the device in landscape mode.
- dataSaveMode (boolean) -> Whether to use low resolution recording mode. If false, video will try to capture at the maximun resolution of the camera.
- detectionTimeout (number) -> Duration in milliseconds after which the sdk should stop recording and shut down. Max is 300000, min 60000.
- continueText (string) -> Label for the button that allows the user to click and move to the next stage.
- setPortraitDeviceMessage (string) -> Text to display to let the user rotate the device in portrait mode.
- logEventsToConsole (boolean) -> Whether or not tol log events (camera start, etc) to the console.
- infoAlertVideoSelfie (string) -> Text of "heads-up" dialog warning video recording is about to start.
- sdkBackgroundColorInactive (string) -> Background color of the sdk before detection starts.
- borderColorCenteringAidInactive (string) -> Border color of the centering aid, before detection process starts.
- saveVideoToLocal (boolean) -> Whether or not to save rtc video to local.
- borderColorCenteringAidDetecting (string) -> Border color of the centering aid, when a document is being "seen".
- detectionMessageBackgroundColor (string) -> Background color of messages overlayed while SDK is actively trying to capture a target.
- forceAlternativeVideoRecorder (boolean) -> Whether or not to force alternative video recorder for all devices.
- detectionMessageTextColor (string) -> Text color of messages overlayed while SDK is actively trying to capture a target.
- detectionMessageFontWeight (string) -> Font weight used to display the messages.
- confirmationDialogBackgroundColor (string) -> Background color of confirmation dialogs.
- confirmationDialogLinkTextColor (string) -> Text color of buttons that look like links in confirmation dialogs.
- confirmationDialogTextColor (string) -> Text color of confirmation dialogs.
- confirmationCaptureButtonBackgroundColor (string) -> Background color of buttons in confirmation capture dialog.
- customConfirmationImageTick (string) -> Tick image icon path used when capture success.
- confirmationColorTick (string) -> Tick color icon when capture success.
- errorDisplayBackgroundColor (string) -> Background color of error display.
- confirmationDialogButtonTextColor (string) -> Button text color of confirmation dialogs.
- confirmationDialogButtonPadding (string) -> Button padding of confirmation dialogs.
- confirmationDialogButtonBackgroundColor (string) -> Background color of buttons in confirmation dialogs.
- errorDisplayHeaderBackgroundColor (string) -> Background color of error header display.
- errorDisplayTextColor (string) -> Text color of error display.
- errorDisplayHeaderTextColor (string) -> Text color of error header display.
- errorActionButtonBackgroundColor (string) -> Background color of error header display.
- errorDisplayHeaderTitle (string) -> Label for the header title in window error message.
- errorDisplayUserActionShow (boolean) -> Display user action in window error message.
- errorDisplayIconColor (string) -> Background color of error icon display.
- infoModalShow (boolean) -> Display a Info user Modal with steps instrucctions.
- isInfoModalShow (boolean) -> Display button that allow to Display a Info user Modal with steps instrucctions.
- infoUserImagesPath (string) -> URL path append to slide help images ( set empty if slider images have full URL ).
- errorActionButtonTextColor (string) -> Text color of error header display.
- errorActionButtonPadding (string) -> Padding button of error header display.
- infoUserSliderButtonText (string) -> Label to button slider action.
- infoUserVideoMedia (string) -> Config media video help user moda.
- infoUserVideoBackgroundColorTop (string) -> Config background color top video help user moda.
- infoUserVideoBackgroundColor (string) -> Config background color video help user moda.
- infoUserVideoTextColor (String) -> Config text color video help user modal.
- infoUserVideoFontSize (Number) -> Set a number that will increase (positive) or decrease (negative) the font size of title video help user modal.
- infoUserVideoBackgroundColorButton (string) -> Config button background color video help user moda.
- infoUserVideoTextColorButton (String) -> Config button text color video help user modal.
- infoUserVideoPaddingButton (String) -> Config button padding video help user modal.
- infoUserVideoSubTitle (string) -> Config subtitle video help user moda.
- infoUserButtonTextColor (string) -> Text color of button help user.
- videoErrorNotFound (string) -> Error to display to user if media device is not found.
- videoErrorUnavailable (string) -> Error to display to user if media device is unavailable.
- videoErrorConstraint (string) -> Error to display to user if media constraint is not correct.
- infoUserButtonBackgroundColor (string) -> Background color of button help user.
- videoErrorPermission (string) -> Error to display to user if media does not have permission.
- videoErrorExternalInput (string) -> Error to display to user if a virtual camera is the input device.
- videoErrorUnavailableActionLabel (string) -> Text label button to display if media device is unavailable.
- videoErrorConstraintActionLabel (string) -> Text label button to display if media constraint is not correct.
- infoUserVideoTitle (string) -> Config title video help user moda.
- videoErrorDefault (string) -> Error to display to user if there is a media default error.
- documentDetectorType (string) -> Type of the detector to use in document capture.
- videoErrorExternalInputLabel (string) -> Text label button to display if input device is virtual camera.
- videoErrorPermissionActionLabel (string) -> Text label button to display if media does not have permission.
- customOval (boolean) -> Set custom oval option.
- customOvalBorderRadius (string) -> Set custom oval face shape border radius values.
- borderThickness (number) -> Set custom line shape border thickness value.
- fontSize (number) -> Set custom size for all fonts by % of default fontSize calculated.
- customAddon (boolean) -> Set custom div option.
- errorBoxBackgroundColor (string) -> Background Color for the error message box displayed when not face detected at sdk video.
- pathModels (string) -> Set custom path to load detection models on sdk alive, always relative to index.html.
- errorBoxTextColor (string) -> Text color for the error message box displayed when not face detected at sdk video.
- errorBoxTitle (string) -> Title for the error message box displayed when face or document not detected at sdk video.
- obverseDocumentErrorBoxSubTitle (string) -> SubTitle for the error message box displayed when not obverse document detected at sdk video.
- resetVideoBoxSubTitle (string) -> SubTitle for the error message box displayed when time is out at document detection stage on sdk video.
- errorBoxButtonColor (string) -> Button color for the error message box displayed when not face detected at sdk video.
- errorBoxButtonText (string) -> Button text for the error message box displayed when not face detected at sdk video.
- errorBoxButtonTextColor (string) -> Button text color for the error message box displayed when not face detected at sdk video.
- recordingTimeStates (Array of numbers) -> Each unique value inside the array represents the time the SDK will record on every step (obverseRecording, reverseRecoding). Max value is 20000 and min value 3000. These times start when the detection phase starts, and ends when the countdown finishes. The countdown is still 3 seconds.
- videoRecordingMaxTime (number) -> Represents the max time of the duration of the record in milliseconds. Max value is 60000 and min value 5000.
- reverseDocumentErrorBoxSubTitle (string) -> SubTitle for the error message box displayed when not reverse document detected at sdk video.
- faceWarningDelayTime (number) -> Value that represents the time in milliseconds it will take for the "look at the camera" warning to be displayed.
- faceErrorBoxSubTitle (string) -> SubTitle for the error message box displayed when not face detected at sdk video.
- obverseDocumentWarningDelayTime (number) -> Value that represents the time in milliseconds it will take for the "show the document obverse" warning to be displayed.
- faceDetectionTime (number) -> Represents the time that face has to be detected to pass next step.
- videoToken (string) -> Store the received token into this config variable.
- reverseDocumentWarningDelayTime (number) -> Value that represents the time in milliseconds it will take for the "show the document reverse" warning to be displayed.
- ovalFaceDetectionColor (string) -> face detection oval color.
- detectedDocumentOutlineColor (string) -> Color of document detection lines.
- enableVideoToken (boolean) -> Flag that determines whether to use a numeric challenge at face detection stage. This flag if true, render a spinner while token is received every time the sdk resets.
- showLogo (boolean) -> Display veridas logo.
- customLogo (string) -> Path of the logo.
- detectionStageCustomLogo (string) -> Path of the detection stage logo.
Customization Examples¶
Default Values¶
Parameter | Value |
webrtcUnsupportedText(10) | Not supported browser. You must repeat the process: If you are on an iPhone you must use the Safari browser. In all other cases you can use Chrome, Firefox or Opera. Navegador no compatible. Debe repetir el proceso: Si está en un iPhone debe emplear el navegador Safari. En el resto de casos puede usar Chrome, Firefox u Opera. |
displayErrors | true |
displayDetectionCanvas | false |
infoAlertShow | true |
infoFaceRecording(7) | Please say your first and last name Diga su NOMBRE y APELLIDOS |
infoAlertVideoSelfie(13) | Video selfie: keep your document ready and follow the instructions Video Selfie: tenga su documento cerca y siga las instrucciones. |
infoReverseRecording(7) | And now the BACK Y ahora la parte TRASERA |
infoFaceRecordingRandomNumber | Say XXXX out loud Diga XXXX en voz alta |
infoObverseRecording(7) | Please show the FRONT of the document Muestre la parte DELANTERA del documento |
setLandscapeDeviceMessage | Please, hold the device in landscape mode Por favor, ponga el dispositivo horizontal |
dataSaveMode | true |
detectionTimeout | 300000 |
setPortraitDeviceMessage | Please, hold the device in portrait mode Por favor, ponga el dispositivo vertical |
continueText(14) | CONTINUE CONTINUAR |
logEventsToConsole | false |
saveVideoToLocal | false |
forceAlternativeVideoRecorder | false |
borderColorCenteringAidInactive(8) | #717171 |
borderColorCenteringAidDetecting(8) | #00FF00 |
sdkBackgroundColorInactive(12) | #2e2e2e |
detectionMessageBackgroundColor(6) | #737373 |
detectionMessageTextColor(7) | #FFFFFF |
detectionMessageFontWeight | normal |
confirmationDialogBackgroundColor | #4D4B4E |
confirmationDialogTextColor | #FFFFFF |
confirmationCaptureButtonBackgroundColor | #26BAB8 |
confirmationDialogButtonBackgroundColor | #4D4B4E |
confirmationDialogButtonTextColor | #FFFFFF |
confirmationDialogButtonPadding | 0 |
confirmationDialogLinkTextColor | #26BAB8 |
errorDisplayTextColor | #FFFFFF |
customConfirmationImageTick | |
confirmationColorTick(9) | #737373 |
errorDisplayBackgroundColor | #4D4B4E |
errorDisplayHeaderTextColor | #FFFFFF |
errorDisplayHeaderBackgroundColor | #559ec9 |
errorActionButtonBackgroundColor | transparent |
errorDisplayUserActionShow | true |
errorDisplayIconColor | #FFFFFF |
errorActionButtonTextColor | #FFFFFF |
errorActionButtonPadding | 10px 16px |
errorDisplayHeaderTitle | |
infoModalShow | true |
isInfoModalShow | false |
infoUserImagesPath | |
infoUserSliderButtonText | Start Empezar |
infoUserVideoTitle(3) | 1. Please say your NAME and SURNAME when prompted 2. Show the FRONT part of your document 3. Show the BACK of your document 1. Diga su NOMBRE y APELLIDOS cuando se le solicite 2. Muestra la parte DELANTERA de su documento 3. Muestra la parte TRASERA de su documento |
infoUserVideoMedia(2) | helpIconCameraPermissions |
infoUserVideoBackgroundColorTop(1) | #26BAB8 |
infoUserVideoSubTitle | |
infoUserVideoBackgroundColor(4) | #E4F6F6 |
infoUserVideoTextColor(3) | #0E4645 |
infoUserVideoFontSize | 1 |
infoUserVideoBackgroundColorButton(5) | #26BAB8 |
infoUserVideoTextColorButton(5) | #051717 |
infoUserVideoPaddingButton | 8px 15px |
infoUserButtonBackgroundColor | #26BAB8 |
videoErrorNotFound(10) | Please check that the device has a camera Por favor, compruebe que el dispositivo dispone de cámara |
videoErrorUnavailable(10) | Please check that the device camera is not being used by another program Por favor, compruebe que la cámara del dispositivo no está siendo usada por otro programa |
infoUserButtonTextColor | #FFFFFF |
videoErrorPermission(10) | Please allow the page to access the camera Por favor, permita a la página acceso a la cámara |
videoErrorExternalInput | Please check that you do not have any software simulating the camera Por favor, compruebe que no tiene ningún software simulando la cámara |
videoErrorDefault(10) | Sorry, there was an error starting the camera Lo sentimos, se ha producido un error iniciando la cámara |
videoErrorConstraint(10) | Please check that the device has a camera with a minimum resolution of 640 x 480 Por favor, compruebe que el dispositivo dispone de cámara de resolución mínima 640 x 480 |
videoErrorConstraintActionLabel | Retry Reintentar |
videoErrorUnavailableActionLabel(11) | Retry Reintentar |
documentDetectorType | wrapper |
videoErrorExternalInputLabel | Retry Reintentar |
videoErrorPermissionActionLabel(11) | Retry Reintentar |
customOvalBorderRadius | 51% 49% 49% 51% / 33% 32% 68% 67% |
customOval | false |
customAddon | false |
pathModels | /public/models |
fontSize | 0 |
sdkType | [object Object] [object Object] |
errorBoxTextColor | #ffffff |
errorBoxBackgroundColor | #4D4B4E |
errorBoxTitle | An error has occurred Ha ocurrido un error |
obverseDocumentErrorBoxSubTitle | You must show your identity document from the front approaching the camera. Debe mostrar su documento de identidad por delante acercándose a cámara. |
faceErrorBoxSubTitle | You have stopped looking at the camera and the process has stopped. Please start over. Ha dejado de mirar la cámara y el proceso se ha detenido. Por favor, empiece de nuevo. |
reverseDocumentErrorBoxSubTitle | You must show your identity document from behind when approaching the camera. Debe mostrar su documento de identidad por detrás acercándose a cámara. |
resetVideoBoxSubTitle | You did not display the document or the document was too far away and the process has stopped. Please start over. No ha mostrado el documento o el documento estaba muy lejos y el proceso se ha detenido. Por favor, empiece de nuevo. |
borderThickness | 5 |
errorBoxButtonColor | #4D4B4E |
errorBoxButtonText | CONTINUE CONTINUAR |
errorBoxButtonTextColor | #26BAB8 |
recordingTimeStates | 7000, 7000 |
videoRecordingMaxTime | 40000 |
faceWarningDelayTime | 2000 |
faceDetectionTime | 8000 |
obverseDocumentWarningDelayTime | 10000 |
reverseDocumentWarningDelayTime | 10000 |
videoToken | |
detectedDocumentOutlineColor | #00FF00 |
ovalFaceDetectionColor | #00FF00 |
enableVideoToken | false |
showLogo | false |
customLogo | '' |
detectionStageCustomLogo | '' |
SDK Selfie Capture Process - Configuration¶
There is a list of the different customizable parameters of the SDK
- detectionTimeout (Number) -> Duration in milliseconds after which the sdk should stop recording and shut down. Max is 300000, min 60000.
- enableEnviromentCamera (Boolean) -> Whether to enable enviroment camera for selfie capture.
Text Configuration¶
- continueText (String) -> Label for the button that allows the user to click and move to the next stage.
- repeatText (String) -> Label for the button that allows the user to repeat detection, if the captured image was not clear.
- fontSize (Number) -> Set a number that will represent the percent of the calculated font size, if the number is positive it will increase the font size that porcentage, but if it is negative it will decrease it.
Style Configuration¶
- borderColorCenteringAidDefault (String) -> Border color of the centering aid, when detection is active but no face is being "seen" yet.
- borderColorCenteringAidDetecting (String) -> Border color of the centering aid, when a face is being "seen".
- borderColorCenteringAidDetectingSuccess (String) -> Border color of the centering aid, when a face has been successfully captured.
- borderColorCenteringAidInactive (String) -> Border color of the centering aid, before detection process starts, or when the sdk asks for the device to be used in portrait mode.
- confirmationDialogBackgroundColor (String) -> Background color of confirmation dialogs.
- confirmationDialogButtonBackgroundColor (String) -> Background color of buttons in confirmation dialogs.
- confirmationDialogButtonTextColor (String) -> Text color of buttons in confirmation dialogs.
- confirmationCaptureButtonBackgroundColor (String) -> Background color of button in confirmation capture dialog.
- confirmationDialogLinkTextColor (String) -> Text color of buttons that look like links in confirmation dialogs.
- confirmationDialogTextColor (String) -> Text color of confirmation dialogs.
- infoAlertShow (Boolean) -> Whether to display a "heads-up" confirmation dialog warning detection is about to start.
- infoAlertPhotoSelfie (String) -> Text of "heads-up" dialog warning the user that detection of face is about to start.
- infoModalShow (Boolean) -> Whether to display a modal helper dialog to explain the user the needed actions to success within the authentication process.
- isInfoModalShow (Boolean) -> Display button that allow to Display a Info user Modal with steps instrucctions.
- infoUserSliderButtonText (String) -> Label for continue button in help user modal.
- infoUserSelfieTitle (String) -> Config title selfie help user modal.
- infoUserImagesPath (String) -> Config path with the icons for help user modal By default are used internal icons.
- infoUserSelfieMedia (String) -> Config icon fileName to display at selfie help user modal.
- infoUserSelfieBackgroundColorTop (String) -> Config background color top selfie help user modal.
- infoUserSelfieBackgroundColor (String) -> Config background color selfie help user modal.
- infoUserSelfieTextColor (String) -> Config text color selfie help user modal.
- infoUserSelfieBackgroundColorButton (String) -> Config button background color selfie help user modal.
- infoUserSelfieTextColorButton (String) -> Config button text color selfie help user modal.
- outerGlowCenteringAidDefault (String) -> Color of the translucent area surrounding the border of the centering aid, when detection is active but no face is being detected yet.
- outerGlowCenteringAidDetecting (String) -> Color of the translucent area surrounding the border of the centering aid, when a face is being detected.
- reviewImage (Boolean) -> Whether to display a confirmation dialog displaying the captured image, for the user to have a choice between continuing to the next step or redoing capture.
- sdkBackgroundColorInactive (String) -> Background color of the sdk before detection starts.
- loadingSpinnerColor (String) -> Color of the spinner.
- loadingSpinnerScreenBackgroundColor (Strirng) -> Background color for the spinner component.
- showLogo (boolean) -> Display logo.
- customLogo (string) -> Path of the logo.
- detectionStageCustomLogo (string) -> Path of the detection stage logo.
Error Configuration¶
- videoErrorConstraint (String) -> Error to display to user if media constraint is not correct.
- videoErrorConstraintActionLabel (String) -> Text label button to display if media constraint is not correct.
- videoErrorDefault (String) -> Error to display to user if there is a media default error.
- videoErrorDefaultActionLabel (String) -> Text label button to display if there is a media default error.
- videoErrorNotFound (String) -> Error to display to user if media device is not found.
- videoErrorNotFoundActionLabel (String) -> Text label button to display if media device is not found.
- videoErrorPermission (String) -> Error to display to user if media does not have permission.
- videoErrorPermissionActionLabel (String) -> Text label button to display if media does not have permission.
- videoErrorUnavailable (String) -> Error to display to user if media device is unavailable.
- videoErrorUnavailableActionLabel (String) -> Text label button to display if media device is unavailable.
- webrtcUnsupportedText (String) -> Text to display to the user if webRTC is not supported on the user’s browser. This message will only be visible if displayErrors is set to true.
Customization Examples¶
Default Values¶
The number inside () on each row corresponds with an example in Customization Examples section.
Parameter | Value |
detectionTimeout | 300000 |
continueText (12) | CONTINUE CONTINUAR |
repeatText (11) | REPEAT QUIERO REPETIR |
fontSize | 1 |
borderColorCenteringAidDefault (6) | #FFFFFF |
borderColorCenteringAidDetecting (6) | #00FF00 |
borderColorCenteringAidDetectingSuccess (6) | #FFFFFF |
borderColorCenteringAidInactive (6) | #717171 |
confirmationDialogBackgroundColor (9) | #4D4B4E |
confirmationCaptureButtonBackgroundColor (12) | #26BAB8 |
confirmationDialogButtonBackgroundColor | #12676F |
confirmationDialogButtonTextColor (12) | #FFFFFF |
confirmationDialogLinkTextColor (11) | #26BAB8 |
confirmationDialogTextColor (10) | #FFFFFF |
infoAlertShow | true |
infoAlertPhotoSelfie (16) | Automatic selfie: fit your face in the oval Selfie automático: centre su cara en el óvalo |
infoUserImagesPath | |
infoModalShow | true |
isInfoModalShow | false |
infoUserSliderButtonText (5) | Start |
infoUserSelfieBackgroundColor (4) | #E4F6F6 |
infoUserSelfieTextColor (3) | #0e4645 |
infoUserSelfieBackgroundColorButton (5) | #26BAB8 |
infoUserSelfieTextColorButton (5) | #051717 |
infoUserSelfieBackgroundColorTop (1) | #26BAB8 |
infoUserSelfieMedia (2) | helpIconSmile |
infoUserSelfieTitle (3) | A photo of your face will be captured AUTOMATICALLY Se capturará AUTOMATICAMENTE una foto de su cara |
outerGlowCenteringAidDefault (7) | #000000 |
outerGlowCenteringAidDetecting (7) | #001C00 |
reviewImage | true |
sdkBackgroundColorInactive (15) | #2E2E2E |
videoErrorConstraint (13) | Please check that the device has a camera with a minimum resolution of 640 x 480 Por favor, compruebe que el dispositivo dispone de cámara de resolución mínima 640 x 480 |
videoErrorConstraintActionLabel (14) | Retry Reintentar |
videoErrorDefault (13) | Sorry, there was an error starting the camera Lo sentimos, se ha producido un error iniciando la cámara |
videoErrorDefaultActionLabel (14) | Retry Reintentar |
videoErrorNotFound (13) | Please check that the device has a camera Por favor, compruebe que el dispositivo dispone de cámara |
videoErrorNotFoundActionLabel (14) | Retry Reintentar |
videoErrorPermission (13) | Please allow the page to access the camera Por favor, permita a la página acceso a la cámara |
videoErrorPermissionActionLabel (14) | Retry Reintentar |
videoErrorUnavailable (13) | Please check that the device camera is not being used by another program Por favor, compruebe que la cámara del dispositivo no está siendo usada por otro programa |
videoErrorUnavailableActionLabel (14) | Retry Reintentar |
webrtcUnsupportedText (13) | Not supported browser. You must repeat the process: If you are on an iPhone you must use the Safari browser. In all other cases you can use Chrome, Firefox or Opera Navegador no compatible. Debe repetir el proceso: si está en un iPhone debe emplear el navegador Safari. En el resto de casos puede usar Chrome, Firefox u Opera |
loadingSpinnerColor | #FFFFFF |
loadingSpinnerScreenBackgroundColor | #181a1b |
enableEnviromentCamera | false |
showLogo | false |
customLogo | '' |
detectionStageCustomLogo | '' |