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Struct that handles the configuration of the error alert configurable properties.

If created without parameters, it will generate the default values for all parameters.


public var description: String { get }

Description of the parameters.

Public Methods

public init(
 backgroundColor: UIColor? = nil,
 titleText: String? = nil,
 titleTextColor: UIColor? = nil,
 documentNumberText: String? = nil,
 documentNumberTextColor: UIColor? = nil,
 dateOfBirthText: String? = nil,
 dateOfBirthTextColor: UIColor? = nil,
 dateOfBirthDayText: String? = nil,
 dateOfBirthDayTextColor: UIColor? = nil,
 dateOfBirthMonthText: String? = nil,
 dateOfBirthMonthTextColor: UIColor? = nil,
 dateOfBirthYearText: String? = nil,
 dateOfBirthYearTextColor: UIColor? = nil,
 dateOfExpiryText: String? = nil,
 dateOfExpiryTextColor: UIColor? = nil,
 dateOfExpiryDayText: String? = nil,
 dateOfExpiryDayTextColor: UIColor? = nil,
 dateOfExpiryMonthText: String? = nil,
 dateOfExpiryMonthTextColor: UIColor? = nil,
 dateOfExpiryYearText: String? = nil,
 dateOfExpiryYearTextColor: UIColor? = nil,
 scanButtonBackgroundColor: UIColor? = nil,
 scanButtonTitleText: String? = nil,
 scanButtonTitleTextColor: UIColor? = nil,
 fontName: String? = nil,
 defaultLanguage: NfcConfiguration.Language? = nil

Constructor of the class. All parameters are optional and their default value is nil. If no parameter is introduced it will create default configurations.

  • Parameters:

    • backgroundColor: background color of the alert.
    • titleText: text of the title.
    • titleTextColor: color of the title text.
    • documentNumberText: text of the label of the document number.
    • documentNumberTextColor: color of the document number text.
    • dateOfBirthText: text of the label of the date of birth.
    • dateOfBirthTextColor: color of the date of birth text.
    • dateOfBirthDayText: text of the label of the day of the date of birth.
    • dateOfBirthDayTextColor: color of the day of the date of birth text.
    • dateOfBirthMonthText: text of the label of the month of the date of birth.
    • dateOfBirthMonthTextColor: color of the month of the date of birth text.
    • dateOfBirthYearText: text of the label of the year of the date of birth.
    • dateOfBirthYearTextColor: color of the year of the date of birth text.
    • dateOfExpiryText: text of the label of the date of expiry.
    • dateOfExpiryTextColor: color of the day of the date of expiry text.
    • dateOfExpiryDayText: text of the label of the day of the date of expiry.
    • dateOfExpiryDayTextColor: color of the day of the date of expiry text.
    • dateOfExpiryMonthText: text of the label of the month of the date of expiry.
    • dateOfExpiryMonthTextColor: color of the day of the month of expiry text.
    • dateOfExpiryYearText: text of the label of the year of the date of expiry.
    • dateOfExpiryYearTextColor: color of the day of the year of expiry text.
    • scanButtonBackgroundColor: background color of the scan button.
    • scanButtonTitleText: text of the title of the scan button.
    • scanButtonTitleTextColor: color of the text of the scan button.
    • fontName: font used in all text of this alert.
    • defaultLanguage: default language used for not configured parameters.