Class that handles the errors that can occur while reading an ID.
public enum NfcError: Error
extension NfcError: CustomStringConvertible
- ResponseError(String): a NFC response returned and error with message.
- InvalidResponse: a invalid NFC response was returned.
- UnexpectedError: an unexpected error happened.
- NFCNotSupported: the device does not support NFC or is not properly configured.
- NoConnectedTag: tag is not connected.
- D087Malformed: error creating the D087 parameter.
- InvalidResponseChecksum: a invalid NFC response (checksum) was returned.
- MissingMandatoryFields: some fields are missing.
- CannotDecodeASN1Length: can not decode ASN1 length.
- InvalidASN1Value: invalid ASN1 value.
- UnableToProtectAPDU: the APDU can not be protected.
- UnableToUnprotectAPDU: the APDU can not be unprotected.
- UnsupportedDataGroup: the DataGroup being parsed is not supported.
- DataGroupNotRead: data group not read.
- UnknownTag: tag invalid or unknown.
- NotImplemented: method not implemented.
- FileNotFound: file not found in NFC chip.
- WrongKey: wrong NFC keys introduced.
- UserCancelled: the user cancelled the NFC reading.
- MissingDictionaryKeys: the user did not set any input key.
- MaxRetriesReached: the user did reach the max reties available.
- CloseButtonPressed: the user pressed the close button.
- Dismissed: the view controller has been manually dismissed.
public var description: String { get }
Description of the parameters.