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Remember to set all text parameters as short and concise as possible to better fit the screen.


Key Default (ES/EN)
authenticatingMessage Autenticando con su documento... / Authenticating with document...
initialMessage Acerque el documento a la parte superior de su iPhone. / Put your document close to the top tip of your iPhone.
keysErrorMessage Complete la siguiente información para que el iPhone pueda escanear el chip de su documento / Fill in the next information so the iPhone can scan the chip of the document
readingMessage No mueva el documento. El iPhone está escaneando el chip de su documento / Do not move the document. The iPhone is scanning the chip of the document
severalTagsMessage Se ha encontrado más de una etiqueta NFC. Por favor, asegúrese de tener sólo una al alcance / More than 1 tag was found. Please present only 1 tag.
successMessage Se ha escanedo el documento correctamente / The document has been successfully scanned
unexpectedErrorMessage No se ha podido escanear el chip de su documento. Siga las instrucciones y repita el proceso / It's been impossible to scan the chip of your document. Follow the instructions and repeat the process
userCancelledMessage El usuario ha cancelado la lectura NFC / User cancelled NFC reading


Key Default (ES/EN)
backgroundColor alpha = 255, red = 66, green = 66, blue = 66
dateOfBirthDayText Día / Day
dateOfBirthDayTextColor alpha = 255, red = 255, green = 255, blue = 255
dateOfBirthMonthText Mes / Month
dateOfBirthMonthTextColor alpha = 255, red = 255, green = 255, blue = 255
dateOfBirthText Fecha de nacimiento / Date of birth
dateOfBirthTextColor alpha = 255, red = 255, green = 255, blue = 255
dateOfBirthYearText Año / Year
dateOfBirthYearTextColor alpha = 255, red = 255, green = 255, blue = 255
dateOfExpiryDayText Día / Day
dateOfExpiryDayTextColor alpha = 255, red = 255, green = 255, blue = 255
dateOfExpiryMonthText Mes / Month
dateOfExpiryMonthTextColor alpha = 255, red = 255, green = 255, blue = 255
dateOfExpiryText Fecha de validez / Date of expiry
dateOfExpiryTextColor alpha = 255, red = 255, green = 255, blue = 255
dateOfExpiryYearText Año / Year
dateOfExpiryYearTextColor alpha = 255, red = 255, green = 255, blue = 255
documentNumberText Número de documento / Document number
documentNumberTextColor alpha = 255, red = 255, green = 255, blue = 255
fontName Helvetica
scanButtonBackgroundColor alpha = 255, red = 128, green = 128, blue = 128
scanButtonTitleText Escanear / Scan
scanButtonTitleTextColor alpha = 255, red = 255, green = 255, blue = 255
titleText Rellene los siguientes campos / Fill in the following data
titleTextColor alpha = 255, red = 255, green = 255, blue = 255


Key Default (ES/EN)
backgroundColor alpha = 255, red = 66, green = 66, blue = 66
closeButton false
closeButtonImage closebutton
fontName Helvetica
informativeText Necesitamos escanear el chip de su documento para verificar su autenticidad. Esto permite ofrecerle la máxima seguridad. Siga las siguientes instruciones tras pulsar en CONTINUAR.\n1. Acerque el documento de identidad a la parte superior del iPhone.\n2. No mueva el documento, el iPhone escanea el chip de forma automática. / We need to scan the chip of your document to verify its autenticity. This offers you the maximum security. Follow the following instructions after pressing CONTINUE.\n1. Put your identity document close to the top tip of the iPhone.\n2. Do not move the document, the iPhone scans the chip automatically.
informativeTextColor alpha = 255, red = 255, green = 255, blue = 255
scanButtonBackgroundColor alpha = 255, red = 128, green = 128, blue = 128
scanButtonTitleText CONTINUAR / CONTINUE
scanButtonTitleTextColor alpha = 255, red = 255, green = 255, blue = 255
titleText Escaner del chip de su documento / Scanner of the chip of your document
titleTextColor alpha = 255, red = 255, green = 255, blue = 255